I have zero problem believing that Kate and the rest of the royals took the real shot…..they don’t seem to be the brightest lights on the porch, and taking the shots seem to be the modern day equivalent of leading their troops into battle from the front. I am no expert in psychology…I don’t understand the mechanism of how it happened, but huge amounts of people that up until the COVID “vaccine” shots appeared that I would have described as bright, alert, intelligent rational, etc couldn’t line up fast enough to get poisoned, having suspended all their heretofore considerable faculties of disbelief and skepticism. This includes one of my highly “educated” (schooled) friends who had never given ANY vaccine to her daughter because of the risks, etc, who “made an exception” for the COVID vaccines….a lot of people, a lot of people are going to die from this….we have just seen the tip of the iceberg. many of them are stupid true believers, others were hoodwinked, but whatever the case, they have that shit coursing through their veins and clogging their arterial walls…..may God have mercy on us all!

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I don't think 70 percent of the population would have been so eager to get a new "vaccine" (that had two months of safety trials) if, first, we all hadn't been conditioned to get the just-as-ineffective Flu Vaccine.

If a skeptical, "watchdog" press had done its job and told everyone how ineffective the flu "vaccines" really are .... maybe so many people wouldn't have been so eager to get the Covid vaccines, which are far more dangerous. Both vaccines were unnecessary as the IFR of dying from either virus is microscopic for almost all of the population.


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Absolute truth to this! Once everyone got conditioned to yearly (useless) flu and shingles shots. Once every parent got conditioned to jabbing their children with 72!!! (mostly useless and dangerous) vaccines, ignoring the jump in SIDS and Autism, it was mission complete! Those are the same people who willingly and eagerly lined up for this poison.

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Doctor Peter McCullough says the first place that will be effected by the vaccine is the Ovaries and Testis So if he is correct and she had 4 shots maybe it’s Ovarian cancer I can’t believe how many people fell for this Medical Tyranny Surely this is a mass murder event and these people responsible should be jailed for life

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Why waste tax payer money to keep them alive? They didn’t mind killing your babies and children and even pushed it more even after deaths started occurring more and more. And even now they triple down. They are criminals and they are caught now. They maimed people and killed people and all these people have a death sentence now which was all planned. Oh hell no, they deserve death! I’m glad Texas has a death sentence because they hung people in the south for murder.

They should all be looking at a jury deciding their fate🙂

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And the SHINGLES VAX is way worse than useless - i have 2 friends that took it, and got shingles not long afterwards - it's a horrible disease - i got it when i was being heavily irradiated by my own cellphone, wifi laptop, and wifi routers at the office and home. I quit using/being around all of that wireless radiation and my immune system bounced back. I think one of the reasons people are so willing to take whatever medical treatments are offered is because they are so distressed at how many things are going wrong with their body and mind. If only they knew the harms their inseparable devices are causing . . .

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I never took that "flu" vaccine. You're right. It was a set up. It made people a lot less suspicious of the whole kill shot deal.

Horrifying how stupid people are.

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There is a (massive) death count from the watchdog press - the so-called "Fourth Estate" - not doing its most-important job.

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The idea that respiratory infections are vaccine-preventable is clearly a pervasive myth. But then again, most people's understanding of immunology is "antibodies". Never mind which ones just "antibodies".

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Thank you, never have had Flu shot or Covid shot & I’m 62. Peer & family pressure was high but glad I payed attention to the inconsistencies. When they changed the definition of immunity to exclude from prior infection I knew I had made the right choice.

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If you think about it, the officials had already changed the definition of an "effective vaccine" with the flu shot. These non-vaccines didn't have to prevent infection or spread to still be considered a "vaccine." The fall-back spend was/is: "Well, they might not prevent infection, but if you get the flu it will be a milder case." That, IMO, is another brazen whopper that was accepted as the truth.

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Mattias Desmet, a Belgian clinical psychologist, statistician and professor at Ghent University has an intriguing answer to why so many rushed for the jab. He recently participated in the US Senate panel convened by Senator Ron Johnson entitled 'Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?'


You may have heard of him during the later stages of the covidiocy when the phrase "mass formation psychosis" became a buzzword as people like us reeled at the insanity unfolding before our eyes.

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I have heard of him, and the phrase, but have never looked into it or him because of time considerations. When I was a kid, had a hard time believing lemmings would follow each other off of a cliff, and now I see supposedly more”evolved”humans doing much worse…I just dunno….

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I agree that Kate et al do not seem like geniuses.However when people hobnob with the Klaus Schwabs and the Bill Gates and the other scumbags who frequent the WEF and spend their days on vacation at Epsteins resort islands....I think they may have some insiders knowledge about the "vaccine" attack on the rest of the human race who they believe are considerably below them and should be eradicated with phony "vaccines" or any other products they can could force upon their "subjects" spray into the skies above our cities or put into our medications. There are many attacks on our lives going on now....including the faked up covid op.,the adulterated and poisoned food supply and the electro magnetic assault from the cell phone towers. They have said out loud and in writing that they feel themselves threaten by a "population explosion" and so must find ways to reduce our numbers. They are the ones who have declared war on humanity and seemed to have lost all moral compass.Though I do not claim to be any genius, I was among those who saw this coming and so did not "accept" the phony injections. My heart breaks now for the many who are ill, have lost their loved ones or had a miscarriage after carrying a wanted child. This is a massive and evil assault on innocent people all over the world. Humanity must unite and demand an end to this travesty.

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couldn't agree more

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I saw a video of Kate getting the jab except when you took a very close look, it didn't go into her arm, whoever gave her the jab faked it. I've read the list of those arrested/executed and her name is on it.

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Where can this list be found?

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You'll have to scroll down, it was posted several days ago and is in a box with picture of Princess Kate Middleton.

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So very disappointing and sad

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You're so right. I've lost count of the healthy colleagues and friends of friends we've lost since the roll-out, numerous jabbed friends have multiple medical problems and I have found out today that my lovely mum has cancer. I could weep at the scale of the destruction that is being wrought on families around the world and for what? So big pharma fat cats can make even more money? I dunno but I despise everyone behind this.

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P.S. - here's the best book IMO on essiac, by Dr. Gary Glum - "Calling of an Angel: The True Story of Rene Caisse and an Indian Herbal Medicine Called Essaic, Nature's Cure for Cancer"


It's an amazing story. Rene Caisse was a nurse in Canada and learned from Ojibwa Indians how to make essiac tea with 4 herbs. She got amazing results and was able to cure most cancers with it. Govt/big pharma tried to shut down this info, even raided Gary Glum's house and took all his copies of his book and for years you couldn't find this book but now it's out there. LOTS of info re: healing cancer there. My friend's mom was able to entirely dissolve her grapefruit-sized tumor in her colon; but sadly she died anyway because she'd had 3 courses of chemo. Chemo changes your body permanently and does a lot of damage. Personally I don't think it's a good way to go but it isn't my choice to make. Best of luck to you and your mom.

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Thank you, bless you for your kindness 🙏

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Glad to help! Hope it does help.

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It has recently been found that Ivermectin and Fenbendazole together will cure most cancers. Look up "fenbendazole + substack" there is someone on substack that writes about this. Also a mixture of 4 herbs called essiac, made into a tea, a friend's mom had grapefruit size tumor in her colon and x-rays to prove it; she took essiac everyday and within 4 weeks tumor was gone, again proved with x-ray, my friend saw both x-rays. Also, tsp of bakng soda taken 3 times a day IIRC. There are books on essiac & also already made tea on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=rene+cassie+essiac+book&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_19

Dr. Sircus has a book on taking baking soda, it's on amazon. I had a friend with breast cancer who cured it with baking soda method. Hope your mom gets better, sorry to hear this. Prayers for her and you!

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Thank you 😊

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The Tavistock Institute Explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giV_rGJ4q3E

This is interesting as the royals are in with this

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It's also very likely that unnatural, long, stringy white fibrous substances are now in her veins and arteries - just like tens of thousands of embalmers are routinely discovering and, now, according to this important whistleblower, teams of surgeons in hospitals in live patients every single week.

Forget the studies, just show the pictures of these actual "clots" that are being removed from dead people AND live patients ... every single day!


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Most people STILL do not know that BILLIONS were injected with a largely unknown substance which had not been tested on a single human.

Pfizer’s initial ´prototype’ injection was tested on around 44,000 people. For a few weeks.

They tried to hide the results for 75 years.

Lawyer Aaron Siri, I believe, forced disclosure of that data. It showed MANY injuries & there were MORE deaths in the ‘vaxxed’ than in the placebo group. Vaxxed people got covid. So it was NEITHER safe NOR effective.

Once the EUA was obtained, Pfizer made the « vaccine » at scale. Use of bacteria & plasmid DNA (& who knows what else) meant the product was NOT the product that got emergency authorization.

It was nevertheless - recklessly - injected into BILLIONS of people & Pfizer, the FDA, CDC & government sat back to see what harms & death would occur. They had the MSM continue to parrot safe-&-effective & completely IGNORE the huge numbers of people injured & KILLED.

This is one of the greatest CRIMES in history & the perpetrators - all those involved in manufacturing & peddling the poison - MUST be brought to TRIAL.

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Covid "vaccines" are US DoD bioweapons.

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Royal cancer is all over the News. With, coincidentally, both Charles and Kate having near simultaneous treatment for ‘not cancers’ then, well, yes cancers coincidentally found elsewhere during the procedures. Then coincidentally just days after Kate’s yes I have cancer video, the UK Govt announces green light for trials of a new cancer vaccine - mRNA technology - just coincidentally.

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⬆️ This ⬆️

“Princess of Wales cancer diagnosis prompts 373% increase in searches for NHS advice”

New figures from NHS England show that in the 24 hours after the princess revealed she was undergoing treatment last week, there were 2,840 visits to the https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cancer/. That is nearly 5 times as many as over the same period the previous week, when there were 600 visits.

NHS long term plan is: More tests for Lung Cancer and investment in radiation therapy

NHS also has new ‘personalised cancer treatment’ portals up and running.

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I feel very sorry for Kate. I pray God will heal her cancer.

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Yes, & I feel for her young children. Such a lovely family with seemingly well-adjusted youngsters.

Many think Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip were hastened to their deaths bc of these experimental poisons. They were definitely aged but apparently in decent health. Then bam; downhill all of a sudden.

Everywhere I go I hear of more illnesses & conditions (turbo cancers included) than I recall in the past.

The plague of cv19 didn’t do as much damage as the aftermath (the “cure”).

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The mind boggles at how countless people were coerced, intimidated and even MANDATED to submit to these medical interventions...there is NO VALID VOLUNTARY INFORMED CONSENT!

For an Australian perspective, see: Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination. There has been no valid consent for COVID-19 vaccination https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/coercion-intimidation-and-mandates

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The moment these were mandated, it became inevitable that the vaccine injured would not get treatment, because treatment would mean that the vaccines caused serious problems, and that in turn would mean there is culpability for those who mandated it - which includes many large institutions and governments.

This never should have happened to Kate, or anyone else.

We're ruled by left-wing authoritarians who get their political power from the sassy clapping girlboss shitlibs that make up the western political elite. The only way to stop this without directly engaging in violence is to personalize, moralize, and racialize the shots. "Say her name". "No justice, no peace". The ethnic violence, the mandated experimental medicine, the censorship, and the mass replacement of whites will never stop until the people who support these policies are subjected to the same treatment they gleefully inflict on others.

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Your first paragraph is potent.

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If, God forbid, she dies from cancer, her body needs to be donated to independent and credible scientists for a thorough autopsy. I'd be very interested in learning if her body had those rubber-band, worm-like protein substances that embalmers are routinely finding (and/or "dirty blood.")

If this happened, and the autopsy confirmed the vaccines likely or almost certainly contributed/caused her death, her death could be used to save millions of lives ... of people of England and the entire world. She could require this by putting this request into her will and doing an interview where she makes known that this wish is followed.

Again, the goal would be to create some good from a tragedy (a premature and unnecessary death), which we all hope doesn't happen.

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Oh Bill - love your common sense but you do know that no longer is part of this narrative. I do see now "they" are working a nasal spray as a vaccine . Imagine that . Based on the number of people who willingly and still do not have any problem with nasal swabs and what ever is in those suckers, they won't question this one either . Now I'm thinking the "they" who will no doubt approve this stuff ASAP- maybe already have it ready and will have BIG Pharma plants ready to go with the solution for novel nasal cancers and sinus issues that no doubt will be baffling to many. My cynic gene is rapidly advancing but I'm far from baffled.

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One of the most bizarre issues in all this «vaccine» BS is the question of the fibrous structures that embalmers have found in the veins & arteries of the deceased since 2021.

The embalmers say these structures were *completely unknown before 2021*.

They seem to be clearly clogging up the circulatory systems of many people who subsequently die.


With all the resources we have on our side - good doctors, pathologists, academics, researchers, scientists - HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that NO-ONE has analyzed these things to see what they are MADE OF? WHAT ARE THEY?

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Exactly! Where I am with “ why the hell is no public figure speaking out???? “ like Al Roker… almost died twice from blood clots… but it’s NBC /Pfizer..

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How much money do I have to pay you to.....

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It takes time to realize that anything in the news about someone controlled by the “elite” (politician, royalty, major media figure, entertainer, etc) is curated with incredible control. If the report is that one of these people has cancer it’s because they want that belief seeded in the collective. To spend time analyzing such machinations is probably not worth a person’s time but the best understanding comes from asking “what outcome is desired by power controllers from this?” If I had to guess, I’d hypothesize the objective is fear (always) in this case of cancer; acceptance it’s normal among young healthy people; and getting people to follow a desired protocol for cancer diagnosis must be part of the intention.

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We need some whistleblowers who can confirm this!

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Here's one whistleblower: He courageously speaks out about the "clots" his clot-removal team is extracting "three to 10 times" every week at ONE hospital in America.

If you read this article, note that he also says he's finding a dramatically higher number of patients who are preparing for cancer chemotherapy treatments ... and these patients are "younger and younger."


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Kate has cancer.

King Charles has cancer.

Sarah Ferguson has cancer.

What are the odds they all got jabbed by the same batch/lot?

Of course all their cancers were caused by the va€€ine!

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Clearing the way for England's first black Queen.

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Nope, I think Harry is permanently dqd.

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Great point. See my comment above.

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Thought this was quite a fine piece by Dr Reid Sheftall and he certainly has been on this stuff right from the starting gate- not like many who bought the whole story medically and who I thought would have been better at questioning medicine .

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Kate, gone for 3 months, some saying she has passed away. What could possibly be wrong with her if she is still alive. The whole thing is ver queer and yet you won’t hear a Brit comment one way or another.

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If she had passed away, you would have known it within 4 hours. The fact that she was not in the public eye and someone was photoshopping pictures to make it look like she was out and about told us she was being hidden from the public. Serious illness requiring treatment was the only explanation. Even Gavin Newsome getting Bell's Palsy after his shot caused him to disappear for the two weeks it took to resolve.

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What of the Thai princess, then?

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In brief, Kate, at age 39, was the poster girl for effectively zero risk of having complications from Covid, which she had already had, prior to “vaccination.” Not exactly elderly, high BMI, large waist circumference, diabetic, and so forth.

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For more info, watch Ryan Cole’s (pathologist) talk at the first flccc conference in October 2022 in Orlando

The cells don’t lie.

He has found the spike protein in 72 tissues from autopsy biopsies.

We have known this for a long time.

Also, Jordan Vaughan, MD talk on micro clots.

The meetings are great. Attended by many people with long VAX that are getting their questions answered.

Oops. Forgot to include the following.

Pierre Kory’s comments about the FDA settlement:


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