I suspect her cancer is ovarian that spread to her bowel. The spike protein was designed to concentrate itself in her ovaries as pfizers documents revealed that a judge forced Pfizer to release instead of keeping this hidden for 75 years ...
Young women who have chronic pain in their abdomen attribute it to digestive problems when it has to do with ovarian cancer and the NHS is very bad about catching this or even warning women to look out for this.
Plus too many young women insist on wearing their mobile phones in pockets directly over their ovaries, I used to gently remind NHS nurses to keep healthy distance and NOT wear mobile phones in ones pockets before some mentally ill manager on meds sitting behind me got me tarred and feathered and thrown out with no prior notice.
Also don't forget that Kate may have been "shed on" by mRNA vaxxinated who shed for something like 60 to 90 days just by close contact such as shaking hands, breathing same air.
Shedding is very real. Naomi wolf says in the 21 min interview listed below with dr.James Thorpe that Pfizer advised men taking part in first mRNA covid trials to have 2 reliable forms of birth control if having sex and to avoid having sex with child bearing women.
Dr Reid, thanks for posting, glad your substack is behaving again. On my end, so far so good but a few glitches last month.
Can you, or did you repost your January 2021 video on another platform such as bitchute, odysee, or rumble?
Also, re 2020 deaths. I don't have any numbers, but from hearing stories it seems to me that many people, both young and old, could not handle the isolation and fell into suicidal depression. Plus staying alone all day inside for weeks and weeks on end was nothing good for anyone's immune system.
I did not repost the proof in January, 2021. That was when I was still experimenting with changing the name of censored posts to get them by censors. It didn't work for this one. It didn't work for this one but did for the change from "Stop the SARS-2 Stupidity, Doctors! You are Killing People!" to "STOP the SARS-2 Stupidity, Please!".
Great work Dr. Sheftall! Thank-you
I suspect her cancer is ovarian that spread to her bowel. The spike protein was designed to concentrate itself in her ovaries as pfizers documents revealed that a judge forced Pfizer to release instead of keeping this hidden for 75 years ...
My wife just said the same as you about ovarian cancer being the culprit in Kate's case.
Young women who have chronic pain in their abdomen attribute it to digestive problems when it has to do with ovarian cancer and the NHS is very bad about catching this or even warning women to look out for this.
yes. pain in the lower abdomen is harder to diagnose in women than men.
Ovarian is probably most likely. Could be other things. Look out for Part III.
Plus too many young women insist on wearing their mobile phones in pockets directly over their ovaries, I used to gently remind NHS nurses to keep healthy distance and NOT wear mobile phones in ones pockets before some mentally ill manager on meds sitting behind me got me tarred and feathered and thrown out with no prior notice.
Good guess. I'll list all possibilities because we don't know yet, in Part III, but that's a good guess.
Also don't forget that Kate may have been "shed on" by mRNA vaxxinated who shed for something like 60 to 90 days just by close contact such as shaking hands, breathing same air.
Shedding is very real. Naomi wolf says in the 21 min interview listed below with dr.James Thorpe that Pfizer advised men taking part in first mRNA covid trials to have 2 reliable forms of birth control if having sex and to avoid having sex with child bearing women.
oh my...
I’ve Got $100 That Says :
If Enough Doctors Die
We Can Cure Cancer.
Dr Reid, thanks for posting, glad your substack is behaving again. On my end, so far so good but a few glitches last month.
Can you, or did you repost your January 2021 video on another platform such as bitchute, odysee, or rumble?
Also, re 2020 deaths. I don't have any numbers, but from hearing stories it seems to me that many people, both young and old, could not handle the isolation and fell into suicidal depression. Plus staying alone all day inside for weeks and weeks on end was nothing good for anyone's immune system.
I did not repost the proof in January, 2021. That was when I was still experimenting with changing the name of censored posts to get them by censors. It didn't work for this one. It didn't work for this one but did for the change from "Stop the SARS-2 Stupidity, Doctors! You are Killing People!" to "STOP the SARS-2 Stupidity, Please!".
It would be great to see it, if it could ever go up on rumble, for example.
I agree, the mental strain from isolation was huge! Gyms were closed but liquor stores weren’t. Pure evil.
Could DNA pollution, spike protein (fragments) and misfolding lend to cell growth that is considered foreign?
It is so distressing to realize the many different measures that have been taken to rob us of our lives, our loved ones, and our livelihood.