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Just wonderful to hear the dialogue between you guys who actually do have some differing opinions accompanied by different areas of expertise - as should have been happening right at the beginning of this debacle with all the appropriate people -not just the anointed few . I do think those in charge of the so called "silver bullet" should in fact be on trial for the constant nudging and psychological terror they imposed on all, causing such divisiveness between friends and family and many deaths, as a result of being in hospitals with suspect treatments and incentives, in my opinion. As for Mr Bill, perhaps some of these bits of information may be of interest regarding his desire to have everyone's health governed by a vaccine - for the good of us all and certainly nothing to do with his benefit ! https://sagehana.substack.com/p/cull-or-no-cull-our-top-two-misinformation?utm_source=email-ufi&utm_medium=email

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