They ought to be "getting cold feet". They have the Palestinian civilians "between a rock and a hard place" and bombing hundreds of thousands of them into oblivion is going to produce terrible "optics" for Israel, and international condemnation of their campaign. But many of the Hamas fighters will escape unscathed unless Israel covers major parts of the Strip with "bunker busters" to collapse most of the underground tunnels. And in that case, much of Hamas will just relocate until the "heat" is off, and "live to fight another day". It is an untenable situation. If the IDF goes in there hand-to-hand, their losses will be catastrophic and incur the ire and revulsion of the Israeli people from the inevitable casualties. And Iran will use it as an excuse to get involved, at the least activating their proxy army of 100,000 Hezbollah in Lebanon.
And if the U.S. and perhaps Britain, Germany, France, or other NATO nations gets involved in a ground war, WE will get pulled into war with Iran and the inevitable dominos will fall into place for a World War III scenario.
This is a no-win potential disaster that I'm sure thrills the exterminist/Eugenicist Globalists no end! They get everything they want out of it: money from selling arms and financing the war, money from the eventual rebuilding; massive depopulation event, especially if it goes nuclear; economic collapse to conceal their end-game Ponzi Schemes, totalitarian control with their CBDC, etc.!
I think almost all of the Hamas leaders are in another country and have been since the evening of October 7. To stay in Gaza would be to commit suicide.
Anything that is not Of Christ is, by default, antichrist; the ultimate antichrist, then, is Satan - The Adversary. The Adversary delights in anything that grieves God and is the "who" in question; the rest are in league with him.
I understand the story but we've never been that far gone. If one individual had $1 trillion in today's dollars, it would be a danger to the world. Dictators have this amount and they have injured the world severely.
I see you have figured out who our government actually works for, and it is not us. I can’t imagine anyone still being deluded after the Covid tyranny, yet they are still among us.
Thanks. I followed the links and there is no primary source.
Global Research writes "By now it is no secret that about 70% of US- and EU-supplied weapons never made it to the Ukrainian front fighting Russia, but rather to the black market, from where tracing them was thought to be next to impossible. See this."
They link to a blog post by Scott Ritter and that mentions neither "70%" (or any percent) nor even "black market."
I suggest removing the 70%. It seems to have been completely made up by Global Research.
If it's a shocking statement, and it is, they should have referenced it. It is very believable. Ukraine doesn't have enough men to use the equipment we've already sent. That's been the major point of a few articles I've read. I do wonder where they got the 70% figure.
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt governments on Earth. Why else do you think Biden is so friendly with Zelensky? I wouldn’t be surprised to find he’s getting kickbacks from the sales.
They ought to be "getting cold feet". They have the Palestinian civilians "between a rock and a hard place" and bombing hundreds of thousands of them into oblivion is going to produce terrible "optics" for Israel, and international condemnation of their campaign. But many of the Hamas fighters will escape unscathed unless Israel covers major parts of the Strip with "bunker busters" to collapse most of the underground tunnels. And in that case, much of Hamas will just relocate until the "heat" is off, and "live to fight another day". It is an untenable situation. If the IDF goes in there hand-to-hand, their losses will be catastrophic and incur the ire and revulsion of the Israeli people from the inevitable casualties. And Iran will use it as an excuse to get involved, at the least activating their proxy army of 100,000 Hezbollah in Lebanon.
And if the U.S. and perhaps Britain, Germany, France, or other NATO nations gets involved in a ground war, WE will get pulled into war with Iran and the inevitable dominos will fall into place for a World War III scenario.
This is a no-win potential disaster that I'm sure thrills the exterminist/Eugenicist Globalists no end! They get everything they want out of it: money from selling arms and financing the war, money from the eventual rebuilding; massive depopulation event, especially if it goes nuclear; economic collapse to conceal their end-game Ponzi Schemes, totalitarian control with their CBDC, etc.!
I think almost all of the Hamas leaders are in another country and have been since the evening of October 7. To stay in Gaza would be to commit suicide.
I think the goal is to escalate the conflict
To then disrupt trade throughout the region
Critically the Suez canal
And major oil pipelines
Disrupting Europe and forcing them to kneel.
Then baiting China into its own conflicts
Like with Taiwan and Myanmar
In order to justify a third world war.
I hope I am wrong.
Whose goal is it to escalate the conflict, Conway?
Unfortunately they don't seem to have names or obvious ties to say it's this person or that person.
We can speculate about the Club of Rome or the Rosicrucians, or the Lucis trust perhaps. Or big internationals like Blackrock and Vanguard.
Or the WHO, UN or WEF.
But the truth is, it's all shrouded in secret and complex webs of companies and corporations, groups of many names and trust funds.
But if you watch the pieces move around. The deception and use of fifth generation warfare and propaganda.
The genetic shots without any genotoxicity studies before widespread release.
The Georgia guidestones (now destroyed)
The slow movement towards SMART cities and surveillance.
The pattern seems to indicate a movement towards something that looks like the book of revelation.
First came pestilence
Then war
Followed by famine
And death.
Now, this might be speculative.
However, when assessing risks one must ask
What is the worst case scenario
What is the most likely
And make contingencies to address or minimise those risks.
And given the slow and methodical nature
I hazard to guess that something quite similar to the commands on the Georgia guidestones is the goal.
And brought about in a way not dissimilar to Albert Pikes prophecy of the third world war as a means to achieve it.
Again. I hope I am wrong
But reverse engineer those plans. Troubleshoot them.
When it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck.
I hazard to say it's probably a duck
Thank you. That was a good answer. Could we get closer to identifying who wants this to happen if we look at who will benefit monetarily?
Two sources that you might consider with an open mind and an open heart:
Regarding Monetary Benefit:
Regarding who wants this to happen:
(alternate link)
Anything that is not Of Christ is, by default, antichrist; the ultimate antichrist, then, is Satan - The Adversary. The Adversary delights in anything that grieves God and is the "who" in question; the rest are in league with him.
But we can't eat money.
Money is just the middle man, it is a medium of exchange
These guys want to control the things we use money to buy
Especially the foundations for living.
They control the resources, the land and the labor
Which is infinitely more important than the money.
There is a saying in outdoor survival circles which I have modified to make it suit a wider group.
3 minutes without air (Emergency services)
3 hours without warmth (Housing and energy + clothing)
3 days without water (Water and sanitation)
3 weeks without food (Farms and food distribution)
3 months without rest (Security and peace of mind)
And on top of that
All social structures need some form of....
1) Stocktaking/accounting to know what we have and how to best use it.
2) Logistic systems to get goods from A - B
3) Communication systems
4) Training and teaching in order to have the skilled labor to do the work
5) Administration/management to most effectively use all of the above.
I think money is how they were able to secretly stockpile their control over all these resources and systems.
But ultimately, its not money they want
It is the power to control everything by holding these cards
Money is the means to control all these things. As hard as it is to trace sometimes, it's easier than power and resources.
Here is a poem that might explain it better
Mr Gold was super rich
With diamonds on his wrist
And money stuffed in duffel bags
Never sad
Fancy cars
Big cigars
Top hats
He looked the part.
Mr Gold was super rich
But the economy had a hitch
And all the money and gold in the world
Couldn't buy food or water
Nor warmth or medicine
Because there was none to go around
A thousand diamonds passed around
But no one could eat them
And no one could make them work
Just shiny rocks
Dug from dirt.
Mr Gold he ran away
Hungry cold
And passed away
Just like many others did
In the dark times of Tomorrowid
Where man lost sight of priorities
And it brought the world to its knees
But barely managed to get up again.
I understand the story but we've never been that far gone. If one individual had $1 trillion in today's dollars, it would be a danger to the world. Dictators have this amount and they have injured the world severely.
I see you have figured out who our government actually works for, and it is not us. I can’t imagine anyone still being deluded after the Covid tyranny, yet they are still among us.
70% of the aid going to the black market is not believable.
It's in the links I provided (one of the three aside from Dr. Setty's take.)
Thanks. I followed the links and there is no primary source.
Global Research writes "By now it is no secret that about 70% of US- and EU-supplied weapons never made it to the Ukrainian front fighting Russia, but rather to the black market, from where tracing them was thought to be next to impossible. See this."
They link to a blog post by Scott Ritter and that mentions neither "70%" (or any percent) nor even "black market."
I suggest removing the 70%. It seems to have been completely made up by Global Research.
If it's a shocking statement, and it is, they should have referenced it. It is very believable. Ukraine doesn't have enough men to use the equipment we've already sent. That's been the major point of a few articles I've read. I do wonder where they got the 70% figure.
Global Research is usually better than this. This is very sloppy for them.
There is no way 70% of the material has made it to the black market.
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt governments on Earth. Why else do you think Biden is so friendly with Zelensky? I wouldn’t be surprised to find he’s getting kickbacks from the sales.