Chad's 85% of the way there. Clear, understandable, non-annoying. On the other hand, there is an absence of inflection and a mechanical quality which in short messaging is innocuous. Over the course of a book length reading it might prove more challenging. In this case the content is of such importance to me that I'd waive the annoyance factor and listen avidly... others may not share that level of obsession on the subject. 8.5/10 overall. --ejd
Thanks, Doctor. I think I can do better. I'm going to give it a go. Chad will be doing editorials, though. Tune in tomorrow. We signed a contract today and he's anxious to start.
Thank you for all you are doing to get the "word" out there for those of us who are curious and like to read alternative points of view - while we can . However , this recording lost me at cybour bot in the first few seconds - did listen right to the end. I prefer your own thoughts because I am still processing, at less than warp speed , your article on Joan Snyder with her work deemed exceptional(?) went to art school , discovered her in her early day- after 20 years of nursing . There are so many books out there about these past few years that I think ( my library is filled with many books dealing with the alternative narrative ) it is overwhelming so many are "not awake" to what's happening and not sure it'll take yet another book to wake people up .
Thanks, Linelle. Wasn't that strange about Joan Snyder getting a "genius" MacArthur Grant. Atul Guwande too who claimed the immunity conferred by the vaccine is superior to that conferred by getting the disease and recovering!
As you know, nothing should surprise any of us at this point in time. Joan Snyder's work compelled me as a starting journeyman/ woman in the arts; I had not seen such raw applications of paint . I learned over time , that many people expressed their journeys differently and loved reading about their varied processes . As noted in your imagery , Joan was, in fact painting herself in these paintings, as she did over the years, however, what I thought I saw was a more "in your face " depiction of the female body . I wondered if this type of message was was kind of "I am woman " statement that isn't a simple thing any more. I remembered her long term marriage to the retired acting supreme court justice Margaret Cammer - think it is "possible " there are any political connections with these awards ? For me it is Emil Nolde's : Unpainted Pictures that is far more compelling for political reasons and his process resonates more aptly what is going on politically now ... genetically an unaltered Jack Russell .
PS tell me more about your artwork. My email is of you'd like to send me some pictures. As for me, I'm doing some portraits now and will take up some abstract ideas when I return from overseas. I am dying to get started but those canvases are too big to bring home so I do portraits only when I am here.
Still at less than warp speed with my responses . I will be looking up your piece re "the grants " because I know it will be yet another addition of the best education I've been getting from people like you over these past few years . So lovely to see your many interests . After working for those 20 years in psychiatry ( loved it at that time) , it felt right to leave a darker place and turn to the light of art - with what I think contains those former threads . Will contact you via email. Thank you Dr Sheftall.
As I wrote in my critique, some of her work is good. I don't personally like overtly painting female genitalia. What's the point. It makes about as much sense as the vagina get-ups at the Trump rally- more humiliating than defiant. I clearly don't get it. The MacArthur judges based their award on wokeness, not talent or skill as an artist. I made the point of these depictions objectifying women, rather than saying "I am woman". Did you get to see the piece I did on the MacArthur Grants? It's one of my best. I do love art and women are generally better subjects than men. Painting their sex organs, though, may have it's place but not frontal in the center of so many canvases. Again, I'm missing something.
You're going to see much more Emily. I have just signed a contract with Chad. He demanded editorial control, however, and in a moment of weakness, I acquiesced. Tune in tomorrow.
Thank you, Tam. Chad is not going to do the audiobook. He will be doing these amusing editorials only. And if people don't see the humor in them, I will fire him. Would your husband really be willing to do the audiobook? It's a lot of work.
Hey! Yes you will have to see how Chad does - and if he doesn’t work out then it’s a good thing that he could be fired!! My husband would definitely be willing to try with the Audiobook - you can speak to him personally and see what you think! I’m kinda tapped into a unique community so if he doesn’t seem to be a fit maybe we could point you in a good direction - we feel similarly with regards to what’s been transpiring! Thanks for all you do!
Please ask your husband if he would like to do it and have him email me at I'm lacking in recording equipment and many other things. I'm not a polished narrator but one advantage is , I can insert side bars where the point needs clarification. I'm interested in hearing your husband. Perhaps he could record the Preface or Dedication? and send it to me? Thanks, Tam!
Like riding w a chauffeur no bumps , steady speed I really thought it was a cyber voice. I hope you are there as he records to add an occasional side bar .
Dr. Sheftall, can I ask a stupid question quite off the topic? I just lost a former boyfriend who I loved very much I was kinda happy he found someone to marry and seemed happy.
He just died last week from liver failure...but I suspect because of what people said, it wasn't just
the drinking.
Is there a virus that can give you liver cancer? Cause one of his wives died from the same thing, I am told.
He took the jab, and I suspect a combination of cirrhosis and turbo liver cancer...something he said on his facebook page...when he went to the doctors apparently they said there is nothing to be done.
This is one of the things I do happen to know about, Duchess. The answer is a strong yes. The hepatitis viruses increase your risk for liver cancer. For example Hep B and Hep C.. Sorry to hear you lost him. PS: no question is stupid.
Thank you Dr. Sheftall. Thanks for your sympathy. He was gloriously self centered, the life of the party, had a really good heart, and I loved him dearly. Had to let him go because he really needed someone more like himself..but I never stopped loving him. He was the best driver I ever met, sober or drunk, I never worried. He just was no good with if you had real trouble....for me it was better to face the calamities of the past few years alone. But they broke the mold when they made him.
He was a helluva lot of fun! He was a townie...everyone knew him and was a friend.
A gambler, a golfer, jetskis' , boats, rock concerts...just a lot of was a great ride. But he wasn't someone you could rely on when the shit hits the fan.
Leighton! Chad is hired but he most likely won't be recording the audiobook. I am winning the race at a ratio of about 9 to one so far. He will, however, be contributing editorials starting tomorrow. I signed a contract with him this afternoon. Please tune in tomorrow for Chad first contribution.
In my OMG , i belived we should split up in research of medicine, we try to inject in vaccine of Coronavirus of Covid 19 pandemic . Because you give up on for what did you want in its, but many people is like human colobarator in scient medicine ! Let know to enought yourserve your. Thank you
Chads script is quite funny doctor, the ironies are not lost.
IMO, people will always outperform because a spiritual power lives in us; it is greater than any machine we humans create and greater then any machine that the machine we created, has this "pool" been tapped yet sir?
If not, open it to Volunteer Candidates.
Thinking about what groups of people could be the most vested in this very content; those suffering from disability FROM the vax and those that lost loved ones to the vax.
This ghosted group is more likely to oblige based on those reasons, not on tangible compensation.
so many people have free time and would quite possibly do it for free...
Interesting idea Tanya. I hadn't thought of asking for volunteers. I thought it boiled down to me or Chad. Thank you for seeing the humor in the script. The first several comments had me worried... " If you value the lives of your children AND/OR your grandchildren" ?? I hope people will listen again. There are 3 or four jokes in there.
It is understandable... if we're half listening - which is fairly common while overlapping activities- then it's understandable to miss comments that proceed biffs/oofs/ and "um, did the voice box just utter what I think it uttered?"
Thank you for being a funny lite and insightful light- a source of information and sanity!
I made a mistake in calling the computer audio script, Chad. That feels like it personifies the computer audio script. I don't think that's a good idea... my apologies for my contribution to a (suspected to become quite serious) growing issue. ~~well... on that happy note - good grief 😆🤣 ~~
May the Lord bless you, Reid.
Ps. Volunteers by chapters, so as to add more cathartic opptys for those suffering -AND- shore up your time to project completion. Latent benefit could be listen engagement maintained better by varied voices...
Thanks, Tanya. I wrote today's script but Chad will be writing all of his content from now on. As I mentioned above, Chad insisted on full editorial control. He is in charge of his own content and assumes all liability for that content as per his contract.
There are a few groups React19 is one that comes to mind where folks suffering vax induced AD&D are gathering. Giving them a voice will no doubt be cathartic for them and achieve your goal as well. Blessings to all with 👀 to see and 👂 to hear.
Yes Duchess, I agree. I'll ask him to slow down a little. Tune in tomorrow. Just this afternoon, I signed a contract with Chad. He will be a regular contributer to this substack.. He demanded editorial control, however, and in a moment of weakness, I acquiesced.
Oh hell no! I hope Chad is an "at will" empoloyee!! If he editorializes, you might regret it! He won't censor it, will he? :-)
Really, your book had something real and urgent about it... and I think a series of short readings would be able to get attention in many different forms and keep posting them!!
I am so tired today I am going to sleep early..but...I will come up with some ideas (I've already taken your book, made copies of certain pages, and "left them" in places where people might pick them bathrooms, at the local pizza shop, in those little neighborhood library boxes..etc.. I am going to cheer myself up at Christmas by doing a bit more...
Another great idea from you, Duchess- actually two ideas. I will record some excerpts and put them here and on Twitter to increase interest in the book.. Thank you!
Boo-o-o. Very robotic. I would turn it off pretty quickly. Sorry.
I agree but our dr Reid is also a golfer who probably is ready to hit the links
Haha. I retired in 2019, Emily; from professional golf, anyway. I might take it up again some day; maybe left-handed this time.
I would vote for you over Chad every time Reid!
Chad wouldn't be as good as me over editorial, proof reading and layout either :) That's a good team right there.
Thank you. I hope I can do a good job.
Clear and understandable but to my ears sounds exactly like a computer voice. 😔
Chad's 85% of the way there. Clear, understandable, non-annoying. On the other hand, there is an absence of inflection and a mechanical quality which in short messaging is innocuous. Over the course of a book length reading it might prove more challenging. In this case the content is of such importance to me that I'd waive the annoyance factor and listen avidly... others may not share that level of obsession on the subject. 8.5/10 overall. --ejd
Thanks, Doctor. I think I can do better. I'm going to give it a go. Chad will be doing editorials, though. Tune in tomorrow. We signed a contract today and he's anxious to start.
Thank you for all you are doing to get the "word" out there for those of us who are curious and like to read alternative points of view - while we can . However , this recording lost me at cybour bot in the first few seconds - did listen right to the end. I prefer your own thoughts because I am still processing, at less than warp speed , your article on Joan Snyder with her work deemed exceptional(?) went to art school , discovered her in her early day- after 20 years of nursing . There are so many books out there about these past few years that I think ( my library is filled with many books dealing with the alternative narrative ) it is overwhelming so many are "not awake" to what's happening and not sure it'll take yet another book to wake people up .
Thanks, Linelle. Wasn't that strange about Joan Snyder getting a "genius" MacArthur Grant. Atul Guwande too who claimed the immunity conferred by the vaccine is superior to that conferred by getting the disease and recovering!
As you know, nothing should surprise any of us at this point in time. Joan Snyder's work compelled me as a starting journeyman/ woman in the arts; I had not seen such raw applications of paint . I learned over time , that many people expressed their journeys differently and loved reading about their varied processes . As noted in your imagery , Joan was, in fact painting herself in these paintings, as she did over the years, however, what I thought I saw was a more "in your face " depiction of the female body . I wondered if this type of message was was kind of "I am woman " statement that isn't a simple thing any more. I remembered her long term marriage to the retired acting supreme court justice Margaret Cammer - think it is "possible " there are any political connections with these awards ? For me it is Emil Nolde's : Unpainted Pictures that is far more compelling for political reasons and his process resonates more aptly what is going on politically now ... genetically an unaltered Jack Russell .
PS tell me more about your artwork. My email is of you'd like to send me some pictures. As for me, I'm doing some portraits now and will take up some abstract ideas when I return from overseas. I am dying to get started but those canvases are too big to bring home so I do portraits only when I am here.
Still at less than warp speed with my responses . I will be looking up your piece re "the grants " because I know it will be yet another addition of the best education I've been getting from people like you over these past few years . So lovely to see your many interests . After working for those 20 years in psychiatry ( loved it at that time) , it felt right to leave a darker place and turn to the light of art - with what I think contains those former threads . Will contact you via email. Thank you Dr Sheftall.
Thanks, Linelle!
As I wrote in my critique, some of her work is good. I don't personally like overtly painting female genitalia. What's the point. It makes about as much sense as the vagina get-ups at the Trump rally- more humiliating than defiant. I clearly don't get it. The MacArthur judges based their award on wokeness, not talent or skill as an artist. I made the point of these depictions objectifying women, rather than saying "I am woman". Did you get to see the piece I did on the MacArthur Grants? It's one of my best. I do love art and women are generally better subjects than men. Painting their sex organs, though, may have it's place but not frontal in the center of so many canvases. Again, I'm missing something.
I love CHAD, the meme.
AI voice recordings creep me out. They represent to me the dystopian world the Cabal wants us quartered in. It's a great idea though. Tough call!
You're going to see much more Emily. I have just signed a contract with Chad. He demanded editorial control, however, and in a moment of weakness, I acquiesced. Tune in tomorrow.
Skip Chad - it will work against you, my husband has a “radio type of voice” & would probably be happy to do it for free!
Thank you, Tam. Chad is not going to do the audiobook. He will be doing these amusing editorials only. And if people don't see the humor in them, I will fire him. Would your husband really be willing to do the audiobook? It's a lot of work.
Hey! Yes you will have to see how Chad does - and if he doesn’t work out then it’s a good thing that he could be fired!! My husband would definitely be willing to try with the Audiobook - you can speak to him personally and see what you think! I’m kinda tapped into a unique community so if he doesn’t seem to be a fit maybe we could point you in a good direction - we feel similarly with regards to what’s been transpiring! Thanks for all you do!
Please ask your husband if he would like to do it and have him email me at I'm lacking in recording equipment and many other things. I'm not a polished narrator but one advantage is , I can insert side bars where the point needs clarification. I'm interested in hearing your husband. Perhaps he could record the Preface or Dedication? and send it to me? Thanks, Tam!
Ok will do & loop back with you! Busy time of year but let’s see if we can make this happen somehow!
Looking forward to it. CHristmas takes priority! Maybe after the new year. No rush. Thank you!
Agree! Sounds good, we will stay in touch!
Like riding w a chauffeur no bumps , steady speed I really thought it was a cyber voice. I hope you are there as he records to add an occasional side bar .
Dr. Sheftall, can I ask a stupid question quite off the topic? I just lost a former boyfriend who I loved very much I was kinda happy he found someone to marry and seemed happy.
He just died last week from liver failure...but I suspect because of what people said, it wasn't just
the drinking.
Is there a virus that can give you liver cancer? Cause one of his wives died from the same thing, I am told.
He took the jab, and I suspect a combination of cirrhosis and turbo liver cancer...something he said on his facebook page...when he went to the doctors apparently they said there is nothing to be done.
Its okay if you don't know.
This is one of the things I do happen to know about, Duchess. The answer is a strong yes. The hepatitis viruses increase your risk for liver cancer. For example Hep B and Hep C.. Sorry to hear you lost him. PS: no question is stupid.
Thank you Dr. Sheftall. Thanks for your sympathy. He was gloriously self centered, the life of the party, had a really good heart, and I loved him dearly. Had to let him go because he really needed someone more like himself..but I never stopped loving him. He was the best driver I ever met, sober or drunk, I never worried. He just was no good with if you had real trouble....for me it was better to face the calamities of the past few years alone. But they broke the mold when they made him.
He sounds amazing.
He was a helluva lot of fun! He was a townie...everyone knew him and was a friend.
A gambler, a golfer, jetskis' , boats, rock concerts...just a lot of was a great ride. But he wasn't someone you could rely on when the shit hits the fan.
I know the type. Cherish your time with him and try to bear lightly what needs must be.
I will. Thanks you for your kindness.
Ditch the robot! Real humans are much more enjoyable to listen to.
I agree. A book would be too much for Chad. I will be doing the book . Chad will stay on, however, to do short editorials.
Leighton! Chad is hired but he most likely won't be recording the audiobook. I am winning the race at a ratio of about 9 to one so far. He will, however, be contributing editorials starting tomorrow. I signed a contract with him this afternoon. Please tune in tomorrow for Chad first contribution.
Dear Everyone!!!!
In my OMG , i belived we should split up in research of medicine, we try to inject in vaccine of Coronavirus of Covid 19 pandemic . Because you give up on for what did you want in its, but many people is like human colobarator in scient medicine ! Let know to enought yourserve your. Thank you
Er, no. Not even for overt advertorials like this. :D
I have your book. I would love to work on it for your second edition.
GF: That's a vote for me over chad?
And thank you for the offer to help me on edition #2. Tune in tomorrow. Chad has joined our editorial staff.
Can't wait to see what that brings!
Chads script is quite funny doctor, the ironies are not lost.
IMO, people will always outperform because a spiritual power lives in us; it is greater than any machine we humans create and greater then any machine that the machine we created, has this "pool" been tapped yet sir?
If not, open it to Volunteer Candidates.
Thinking about what groups of people could be the most vested in this very content; those suffering from disability FROM the vax and those that lost loved ones to the vax.
This ghosted group is more likely to oblige based on those reasons, not on tangible compensation.
so many people have free time and would quite possibly do it for free...
Interesting idea Tanya. I hadn't thought of asking for volunteers. I thought it boiled down to me or Chad. Thank you for seeing the humor in the script. The first several comments had me worried... " If you value the lives of your children AND/OR your grandchildren" ?? I hope people will listen again. There are 3 or four jokes in there.
Absolutely Doc! 😁
It is understandable... if we're half listening - which is fairly common while overlapping activities- then it's understandable to miss comments that proceed biffs/oofs/ and "um, did the voice box just utter what I think it uttered?"
Thank you for being a funny lite and insightful light- a source of information and sanity!
I made a mistake in calling the computer audio script, Chad. That feels like it personifies the computer audio script. I don't think that's a good idea... my apologies for my contribution to a (suspected to become quite serious) growing issue. ~~well... on that happy note - good grief 😆🤣 ~~
May the Lord bless you, Reid.
Ps. Volunteers by chapters, so as to add more cathartic opptys for those suffering -AND- shore up your time to project completion. Latent benefit could be listen engagement maintained better by varied voices...
How exciting- Blessing on this endeavor too!!
Thanks, Tanya. I wrote today's script but Chad will be writing all of his content from now on. As I mentioned above, Chad insisted on full editorial control. He is in charge of his own content and assumes all liability for that content as per his contract.
There are a few groups React19 is one that comes to mind where folks suffering vax induced AD&D are gathering. Giving them a voice will no doubt be cathartic for them and achieve your goal as well. Blessings to all with 👀 to see and 👂 to hear.
Chad speaks very quickly.. an you slow him down a little?
Yes Duchess, I agree. I'll ask him to slow down a little. Tune in tomorrow. Just this afternoon, I signed a contract with Chad. He will be a regular contributer to this substack.. He demanded editorial control, however, and in a moment of weakness, I acquiesced.
Oh hell no! I hope Chad is an "at will" empoloyee!! If he editorializes, you might regret it! He won't censor it, will he? :-)
Really, your book had something real and urgent about it... and I think a series of short readings would be able to get attention in many different forms and keep posting them!!
I am so tired today I am going to sleep early..but...I will come up with some ideas (I've already taken your book, made copies of certain pages, and "left them" in places where people might pick them bathrooms, at the local pizza shop, in those little neighborhood library boxes..etc.. I am going to cheer myself up at Christmas by doing a bit more...
Hope this is okay....
Another great idea from you, Duchess- actually two ideas. I will record some excerpts and put them here and on Twitter to increase interest in the book.. Thank you!
Yes please!!!
Chad speaks very quickly.. an you slow him down a little?