This is so past due. Yes stop paying dues to AMA but doctors need to be offered an alternative group for membership that preserves freedom of practice. Building that group and laying down your guidelines will be paramount. This could be your greatest contribution to medicine today

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I’m SO beyond disappointed in 99% of our “heathcare” professionals. And I hold them complicit in this genocide. Just had to get that off my chest.

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me too. Most of them still believe in lockdowns. They say we didn't start them soon enough. In my book I show why they are the exact opposite of what should be done.

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But, but, with some incredibly rare exceptions, a baby IS either a male or female at birth. And I don't even need to be a Dr. to know that!

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You know more than a lot of doctors, Barb.

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Doctors need to get a backbone now.

the AMA needs to be taken down and totally redone. With distributed powers and

local control.

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Reid, This is the least offensive of what they do. Try reading their manifesto on race. Or anything on Covid.

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Oh I know. Such stupidity.

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Got through first 40 pages of your book before my husband commandeered it. The dedication racked me. I am so very sorry for your friend. So very sorry.

I thought I was fairly well-versed in Covid horrors, but I was either unfamiliar or had forgotten about at least forty percent of the people named in your index.

There are a few typos; if there will be a second edition, I would be happy to send a list to your publisher.

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I know. There are a lot of typos. I was deathly ill over the last three weeks of writing and most importantly, proofreading. I wrote 4 editors to help me but they were all "woke" and refused. I have fixed a lot of them and when I do the audio version, There won't be any. I'm sorry about the typos and thank you very much for supporting this book. Even with the typos, it's a very important book that had to be written.

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I'm sure there are many of us who would volunteer to proofread gratis , Reid G. Sheftall MD.

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I am never triggered by typos when I am reading factual information.

Yes, for the writer it is irritating and quite annoying understand I get the deathly ill part and sadly the stupid sad woke part

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Woah man, it's the year twenty twenty three. Don't you know what's happening?

Dye your hair pink or blue. Grow a gut and tiddies too. Eat processed foods for brunch and tea. Talk about social equity.

Because genders don't exist anymore.

Whats important is your social score

Virtue signaling and what you say

Matters more than what you do all day

Because the devil is in the details

And who has time to read them all

When we learn all there is to know in school.

How to count and read and write. Climate change and wrong and right.

Never mind the cult like overtones

We get to go home with our phones

And watch TikTok and B grade shows

This is how our future goes.

Fat. Lazy. Arrogant. Jealous. Angry. Promiscuous. Entitled.

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this is very very funny

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So, the AMA is now a "biology denier"? Chromosomes matter.

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The AMA appears to represent doctors as well as NOW represents women 🤡

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Well, as the good doctors at the AMA know and right-thinking people everywhere know, it simply makes no difference whatsoever whether a person has a penis or a vagina. It's completely irrelevant medically, so why on earth would one make a note of it?

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Just another sign of how screwed up our medical institutions are…

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Think Dr Jordan Peterson here in Canada is trying to set up some sort of University other than the usual suspects that have been captured . I'd think a lot of like minded doctors could join up for a system that isn't captured by those in political power speaking the accepted narrative. This seems so much like Mao's capture when the streets that said turn left were changed to say turn right .

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