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Absolutely. He is the definition of the word as far as Covid is concerned.

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“The term “anosmia” refers to the total loss of sense of smell. Anosmia may be caused by an infection, such as a cold or flu. It may also be caused by nasal polyps”. From a hospital in Cleveland. So even the loss of smell self diagnosis was full of (odorless) shit.

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I understand, John, that there has to be a mechanism for it from a cold or the flu, but didn't we see it in much greater frequency in 2020? If we didn't, if these numbers were wildly exaggerated too, I'll have only the minor "mismanagement"-type problems to overcome such as why did they give it (the made up virus) such a strong gradient and what about the electron micrographs of it and the genetic sequence that has ORF 8 in it and that long sequence that had been patented by Moderna in 2017. It it all was faked, why put all that stuff in unless they are smarter than I think they are.

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Infectious non replicating clones released...in certain areas...

the jj Couey theory we call it...

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I was self diagnosed with COVID after I attended a large summer festival. Did not get anosmia... Then I cought the creeping crud that fall and was forced to take a home COVID test by some fully vaxxed family member (who knows where I stand and we play nice), glad I didn't pay for it cause the back of the box stated that a negative antigen test is not conclusive. Anyway what else indicates the existence of a novel virus?

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It was "novel" only in the sense that its sequence has a few unique features in it, making it "novel". But it's really a fairly routine coronavirus.

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I agree. I gave up trying to tell others this but was shut down

In fact my son in law had shut me out of their family for over a year now.

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The FDA blamed use of Zicam for loss of smell in 2009- maybe it wasn't the zinc in the product but actually the viral infections people used Zicam for? Maybe circulating strains of coronavirus or another respiratory virus during 2000s?

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I’ve had numerous colds and a few flu bouts over the years and never have I ever lost my sense of taste & smell as I did with the alpha variant 2 yrs ago. I also had bizarre bruising on one leg that lasted for nine months- I’m guessing may have been microclots.

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That's been my experience too. So what's the mechanism?

I think both (losing your smell and taste completely and the horrible smells that some people got) were a consequence of getting infected with the SARS-2 virus if there was such a thing. I think the olefactory nerves got compressed in some way perhaps in the olefactory groove or olefactory tract. Due to the compression, they sent strange signals to the brain/brainstem during the horrible smell time and basically no signals during the time you lost everything. I think not being able to taste is actually a smelling issue since they are separate mechanisms: taste from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue travels over the glossopharyngeal nerve which is cranial nerve #9. From the anterior 2/3's it travels on the chorda tympani which runs with cranial nerve #7. #9 and #7 don't run through the cribiform plate or otherwise anywhere near the course of the olefactory nerve which is cranial nerve #1. #7 enters the skull through the stylomastoid foramen and #9 enters through the jugular foramen. So lets just skip the taste part. From what people have told me, if you can't smell food at all, the taste goes away too and you think you're eating dirt. I don't know why we don't experience it more often from the flu if the olefactory cleft stuff I threw out there is correct. Nobody ever proved that theory, I don't think.

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That particular phenomenon, the loss of smell, why would it have to be a viral infection?

I think it is useful to investigate the simplest causes before the more complex causes.

One possible cause, which is ignored perhaps because of its simplicity, is psychogenic disease based on mimetic behavior.

A person can be so scared, or experience some other emotion or emotions, that their senses go into disarray for a while, due to some damage caused my the emotion. Emotions can affect our vision and our sense of touch. Anger, for instance, is associated with blood pressure. A person can experience difficulties in their vision because of increased blood pressure, caused by their anger.

Against this, obviously our emotions are not permanent. But, can the damage done last days, weeks or months? I think this is a good hypothesis.

The mimetic behavior prt has to do with empathy. People see that another person is in pain or with some limitation, and they imitate that perhaps to show support.

Then there is the other side: no actual physical damage. Merely a psychological autoperception of having lost a sense, or having it reduced. That is more difficult to see. Of course, this comes with a huge social stigma and shame. Which is a good way to conceal a trap in society.

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That's very good thinking, Roger. I hadn't thought of that. But it's a perfectly valid possibility. What do you make of the weird choices in the SARS-2 genetic sequence if they made it up?

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I'll tell you my amateur and unathoritative opinion. I'm guessing you are asking for the furin cleavage site (FCS) and the supposed weaponization of HIV, which, if I'm not mistaken, is all linked with two conjectures: the destruction of the immune system in order to make electronic implants more likely to succeed due to the nullification of the possibility of implant rejection, and, second conjecture, the idea of creating sub-races or subspecies of humans meant to be slaves forever because of the deprivation of the immune system is the perfect dependency: being alive would depends on obedience to be granted access to life-extending drugs from the brahmin caste.

I think it's all false. HIV never existed. The fraud of covid is a computerized version of the fraud of HIV, which exploited the blind faith in medical authority and the idea that obviously sinners get what they deserve. (As a side note, that begs the question: if God sends a new disease to punish the fornicators then any attempt to reduce the harm, control the expansion of the disease or cure the disease is also an act against God, so who is a greater sinner: the promiscuous homosexuals and bisexuals, or the government officials and the citizens who support them, who are trying to prevent the correction sent from Heaven?)

If, as I believe, all genomic analyses about SARS1 and SARS-CoV-2 is purely theoretical and refer to no real object in nature, then the "clues" left there were all red herrings, meant to lead people back to the "psychosis" of HIV and AIDS.

If HIV was never shown to cause disease, and if the truth is that all those weird diseases that are the constellation of AIDS were simply repackaged as caused by one virus, that was never once isolated and purified and chemically characterized (the four Koch's postulates stop at number one as the original failure) then we become free to understand that they simply made up SARS and SARS2, just as they made HIV up and everything else.

What of GoF research? It's all a coverup, in my opinion. All microbiology is being used as a conceptual framework to hide the real military research. They study poisons and how to use them as weapons to vanquish the enemy. They want poisons that are more lethal, more stable, long lasting. Like a minefield but without explosives. Contaminating a large area with agent orange is cheaper and more effective than the mine field strategy. Both of which also double as a psychological weapon. If we cannot conquer that land, at least we can make it unusable for many decades, thus preventing our enemy from recovering and seeking revenge.

But the poisons cannot self-reproduce. It is unnatural to graft one species into another species and have one produce constantly more and more toxins so that it kills the host. This doesn't happen in nature. Commensalism between species does happen. And hunting and killing. And the taking apart of carrion. But direct infiltration and parasitization to destroy an organism seems now impossible to me.

But what are viruses? I now believe in the idea that viruses are a misconception. Which I take to mean that they are the perfect patsy. As cells die, broken pieces of genetic material show up. This is what modern technique is able to study, although using wrong concepts. Most of those pieces are useless, some make sense. But they don't move, they don't cause any disease. The disease occurs *before* the so called viruses appear. What causes the disease:

- physical trauma (a beating will break muscle and blood vessels, and the cells of those tissues decompose, liberating incomplete genetic material)

- poisoning or intoxication

- malnutrition also causes tissue to die

- psychological trauma (perhaps)

So, the virus was invented as a ghost to cover the horrible treatment and abuse that humans do to each other so often. A dodge of responsibility.

On a different level is the idea of diseases as a maturation process. Chicken pox or measles would be, under this theory, a way for the body of a child to eliminate dead tissue and leave room for renovated tissues that belong to the adolescent body, not the the infant or the prepubescent child. A similar phenomenon happens in the transit to become fully adult. Why some people have grave or acute cases of fever and skin rashes, and some children do not ever have a grave disease? This may be due to a more continuous development, where the child's body gets renovated seamlessly, without effort, and the difficult cases correspond to bodies that get stuck in development and accumulate toxicity, which is processed and released all at once. This has to be tested, of course.

This idea is the metamorphosis of insects applied to mammals. But we don't have an exoskeleton. Mammalians internal systems develop and metamorphose in harmony, and if there is a difficulty, perhaps due to malnutrition or intoxication, then weird things happen and that's what we call disease. And because of the universal tendency to scapegoating, it's easier to believe in viruses as agents of disease, rather than the more difficult to see problems of poor nutrition, intoxication and abuse.

Is it common in other mammals to have their young having routinely grave diseases that are the prelude to a growth spurt? Like deer, or goats, or dogs, or apes or gorillas? I don't know that. But one thing is for sure: humans are clumsy compared to other mammalians. Maybe health has a lot to do with constant movement. Sedentary behavior, regardless of toxicity and nutrition, is also a candidate to explain why humans experience grave diseases from time to time. We simply accumulate too much decaying tissue and the body has to purge all at once through one elimination route. If we moved more, maybe we would accumulate so much damage and we would never experience grave diseases, like most animals never have grave diseases, other than the trauma of the attack of other animals, or accidents.

Those are my reflections on this issue. I'm not a fanatic of any of this. If my beliefs (which are about one year old only) are wrong, I want to know. That's why I keep studying. It amazes me that so many people are wrong and deluded, so I tend to think maybe I'm wrong about all this. I keep revising the evidence and the logic and I keep finding no good reason to go back to believing that pathogenic viruses exist.

Still, the alternative theories are imperfect and need more research.

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Don’t give up the fight .

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Reid, I’ll get in a last comment then. There are no viri. It is pseudoscience. All vexines are toxic and have never been shown to be safe in proper true placebo controlled trials( when eg placebo not another vexine). Andrew Wakefield was right, they do cause autism, adhd and other neuropsychiatric damage which we can see has skyrocketed in our children. I was a true believer until 3 years ago, an indoctrinated psychiatrist. I was trusting, propagandised and asleep. No more. Reid, you have been brave, continue that journey and I will pray for you and all of us on this journey of discovery of the iatrogenicide which we have participated in but now must disavow and dismantle!

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This is a comment-question: Can one work toward a goal that is monetary whilst pursuing ethical goals aligned with your philosophy ❓

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Yes, I think it can be done but you have to watch yourself if your monetary goals begin to take precedence over the other two. Everyone has to deal with this in some way.

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I wish I knew how to connect you to Brighteon as you cover the same topics. You would make great allies. Also more people seem to be realizing the climate change issues must have been thought up by Al Gore when he lost the “hanging chad” election. Climate is sort of like the fake Covid issue- Sea levels drop sea levels go up( how we got the Great Lakes from melting glaciers. . This is one more big con If we could outlaw planes spewing aluminum and other junk in our atmosphere I would be happy- has been outlawed in Mexico. I no longer trust our government with anything. The military was trying to play weather wars now done privately . That means( to me) another area Bill Gates can add his own toxic cocktail spewed at 40k feet. You are very bright and inquisitive. Check out Brighteon.com best interviews by originator Adams. Let me know if I can be of further help. But I still want you to cover card counting

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If you can think of a way, Emily, please do it. That would be great.

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Would you mind parting w phone number please. I will put in a call to Clay Clark who has his show on Brighteon. I think you might get started on debunking global warming. Nor do I trust geo-engineering to control our climate as ,If not already, could soon fall into hands of Bill Gates

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Not at all, Emily. My number is 904 837 3070

I have no problem debunking the dogma that claims man's contribution of CO2 s the cause of global warming/climate change

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I cannot think of a good name for you new substack.

I am glad you will continue to share information.

I am not able to pay for blogs at this time in my life.

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if hubbs or I had covid, I wouldnot have known it.

I take care of my 99 yo daddy almost daily. He has had all 5 shots.

I was forced to take the first two and now I have RA.

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Mike Yeadon is one of the first people I listened to since 2020 to help me sort out the facts from fiction and I am very thankful for him.

Well I lose my sense of taste and smell with every bad head cold or flu and have ever since childhood. As soon as I am better, smell and taste do come back though.

Getting what ever went around in February of 2020, was just like a bad flu, my fever lasted about 5 days, and the residual cough lasted 3 weeks.

The accompanying fatigue from the fever was a bit surprising but I had experienced that many years ago.

There were no other symptoms to suggest I had more than a bad flu. It felt like got one of those every 10 or 20 year flu’s that just hit me really bad.

Got sick again in March 2020 but got over it a bit faster.

I wonder what could have caused people who don’t normally lose their sense of taste and smell to do so?

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In my family (all unjabbed except one), myself and my daughter both suffered with loss of smell and taste. In my case, at 62 , I can confirm I have never ever experienced this before. Was it the 'virus', or maybe the thing they stuck up my nose at the pharmacy ? (here in Italy, you were obliged to have an official test done at the pharmacy and then they informed your doctor). For me , it lasted about 4 months and it was horrid not being able to smell or taste. (saved money on perfume though 😉).

Considering I'm asthmatic, the convid didn't really make me ill - I had more nausea than anything. My hubby ( who has a heart condition), same as me. Just nausea and feeling a bit off. Nothing big.

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I tried to hook you up with @IAMJOHNCULLEN (Twitter) 3 years ago. iamjohncullen@protonmail.com

He got his Twitter acct back after Elon took over. His YouTube research (& especially his content on Patreon) is nothing to blink at. Please reach out to him to be a guest on his show. Cheers. He knows me so you can say I sent you his way.

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Thanks, Laurie. I'll do that.

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I have a close friend who had a very bad cold almost six years ago. She used Zicam religiously (at the time the label on the Zicam listed a side effect of may lose smell and taste). Her doctor also put her on an inhaler. She suffered with this problem for over a year. Covid came at least 5 years later. Come on, loss of taste or smell is not unusual with a terrible cold.

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