What I do not understand is how with data like that they could spin this as at all successful? It made antibodies so real world data be darned? Is this really all they have?

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Yes, Scaperjess, this is all they have. And did you notice how confusingly they reported the data in the print out I copied? I had to read it three times to extract the information correctly. Everything is designed to hide the results as much as possible. They are attempting at every turn, to pull one over on the American people and the world.

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The Flavor Aid only works if we all drink it and if you don't drink it, we'll hunt you down in the jungle and shoot you.

And Good Germans like Dr. Jay Bhattacharya will be there the whole time wringing their hands jumping through intellectual hoops to worship the God of the Vaccine.

Ten months into it with more dead than in the prior 31-years, and he is crowing about it to his Hoover Institute Stanford Brain Trust, saying all the right things.

Just quarter turns the whole way down and by the time you get boots on the ground, the hospitals are trying to kill you and humanity is twisted into a knot of evil.

The baffling thing, Reid, is that he already had shown great courage. So it must be ideology and religion, the religion of a drug that never had the data behind it. Not in the clinical trials. Never.

And he worshiped at its altar. It must not have been cowardice. It must have been faith.

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Hi Sage: I plan to grill him in our final session. So far he has rejected studies because they were not done correctly but I have an analogy to apply to it and convince him

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Jun 23, 2022
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Jun 25, 2022
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You are correct. Dr. Walensky knows she's doing something wrong and feels guilty about it. She has to take on a catatonic-type state to be able to do things that her conscious is telling her are wrong. Dr. Fauci knows he's doing something wrong and actually appears to enjoy it.

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