When they start saying what I said in March of 2020 and after they were responsible for 200 million plus deaths, you know they were incredibly stupid or lying (and should be imprisoned forever.
Well said Reid. My inclination is to empanel a Nuremberg-Like Judicial Proceeding and actually publicly "Try" these lying sycophantic Medical Criminals. They violated their sworn Hippocratic Oath, They violated both The Nuremberg Code & The Helsinki Declaration. --ejd
Well said Reid. My inclination is to empanel a Nuremberg-Like Judicial Proceeding and actually publicly "Try" these lying sycophantic Medical Criminals. They violated their sworn Hippocratic Oath, They violated both The Nuremberg Code & The Helsinki Declaration. --ejd
She was the one who blocked the use of Ivermectin for her own country of India, just as they are blocking it in the US. Murderers