It wasn’t just being older that brought the risk—it was being old *with* comorbidities. I still don’t see the proof from Dr. Jay, demonstrating that these jabs were “good” for the elderly.

He continues to chase that windmill, and won’t let go of it.

The truth, in my opinion, is that *no one* needed these jabs. Full Stop.

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As you can tell from these 3 videos, TFish, I agree with you.

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The pharmaceutical companies have undue influence on our public health agencies (namely the individuals that run them) and the policies they inflict on the public. Their modus operandi when it comes to selling their products has always been to "create the need". Let the sink in... "create the need".

If we learn nothing else from the Covid pandemic, it should be this.

Big pharma needs to be excised from our public health systems due to an obvious conflict of interest, namely their profit motive. This leads to a dangerous bias when it comes to evaluating the effectiveness of treatments and determining public health polices.

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