Reid, I completely understand and share your annoyance with Dr. Malhotra. Yet, I guess the best way to come to terms with it, is to recall Luke's story of "The Prodigal Son". We, the elder sons who have labored in the fields of Truth & Science, bearing the slings & arrows of outrageous fortune question our father's forgiveness for the now repentant son.
Luke has the father say to the 'Good' son: "this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and now is found’ (Luke: 15:32)."
If the WOKESTERS will hear him speak some truth as a repentant liar, god bless him. We have to destroy the MADNESS...!!! Maybe it took his father's death... WHATEVER...!!!!
As Dennis Miller once said: Nobody finds Jesus on Prom Night. It's only when they've fucked their tawdry little life beyond all recognition... Do they turn to the higher power and the light.
Fuck Malhotra... And Fuck Joe Biden... We need vast fields filled with EVERY BLADE OF GRASS.
Nicely written. Our general population doesn’t seem to understand we are fighting to remain alive .new world order wants to eliminate 90per cent of us democrats and republicans. It is time for all to wake up. “One and done is bad enough but “four (Covid fax)and bring more “ is unfortunately just happening with only those with blind trust in the wolves at their door
I was going to write a Prodigal Son response, but you have beaten me to it. As a religion student in college who was later ordained (doctoring more fun, though) this was a parable i never understood -- and I still do not.
So I feel your pain, Reid. I have seen lots of it. Eventually, you just ignore it and do what you can do in your own vineyard. In part because that is likely your only choice. And in part because it is more productive.
Thank you, Doctor. It's going to be. By the end of it, I will release, "If Only They Had Listened...". Look for Linelle's poem in the comments. Merry Christmas and thanks!
I was an early follower of yours on Twitter, and get your frustration, and am grateful for your attempts to warn us. Here’s a January 2021 conversation with my daughter (a PGY4 at that time, Emergency Medicine, in an urban hospital, which got hit hard in 2020. She surely was traumatized, which all along I blamed Fauci for.)
D:Mom, you better get your shot as soon as they’re available for your age group.
Me: I’d rather wait, plus you were the one who, before “tests” were available dx’ed me with CoVid last March. When the chicken pox vaccine came out, I didn’t have you get it, as you had already had chicken pox, what’s different about this?
D: You’re not a doctor!
Me: My skill set (attorney, retired) is critical thinking, analytical reading. I’ve read the EUA documents, have you?
D: You’re not a doctor, I AM, and I don’t want you to die.
Me: I’m not worried about dying from this. I’ve seen Dr. Ionnaidis’ stats on the IFR, have you?
D: Oh, so now you think you can read what they spend a semester teaching us? Mom, PLEASE listen to the doctor here.
Me: You know as well as I do that in 2006, if I just “listened to the doctors” your sister would be dead, or blind. I read all the pubmed articles that the ICU docs didn’t have the time to read. My advocacy for her is why she’s healthy and alive. You know that to be true, so please don’t tell me I need to be a doctor to have an understanding of medical issues.
(2006: 2d daughter, then 13, had severe head pain “feels like my head is in a circular vice,” was vomiting bile and it took docs at a major hospital more than 10 days to diagnose, as they believed she “just” had mastoiditis and a sinus infection and was malingering, actually came to conclusion that it was a way to get my attention. Oh, I’m reliving the anger, not good. I told them it was indeed “all in her head” in a real, physical way, not a psych way. Well, what was in her head was finally dx’ed as CVST and ICP. She underwent emergency dual optic nerve sheath fenestration and then LP shunt placement, which failed almost immediately and it took docs a full week to recognize that, all while I watched my daughter suffer, due in part to arrogance of a particular resident who refused to acknowledge that the shunt wasn’t working.
So, no, I told her. I’ve read enough to be wary of a brand new technology, being used on a brand new virus. I pray you got saline.
We had that conversation more than once, and I was deemed a threat to the health of her and her baby, and was not allowed to see my granddaughter for more than 6 months. Still praying to get back to the close relationship we had up until these damn shots rolled out.
I have cousins whose husbands and brother-in-laws are doctors (cardiologist, spine surgeon) who I was close with prior to January 2021, and those relationships are broken, too. Didn’t ever have discussions with them about the shots, but they saw what I posted on FB and IG, which was warnings from docs like you. I posted those only when I realized they were going to offer these shots to kids, I was trying to wake people up before they all got their kids no avail. Pretty certain all my 9 siblings & spouses and my 22 nieces and nephews all got at least 2 shots. And the kids’ (2 nieces) going to the ER with chest pains and dots connected. It’s so worrisome, I pray for all who trusted, and got injected. 🙏🏻😢🙏🏻
Read your post with interest. As a semi-retired neurologist I had multiple conversations with "colleagues" who displayed uncritical 'Slave Minds'. The conversation you described with your daughter reflected my experience throughout the last 32 months., You never mentioned if she actually replied to your original question about Chicken Pox. Did she ever make a cogent honest response to that question?
My wife & I never submitted to being 'Jabbed'. We've never been sick, never tested positive. In my conversations with colleagues they never made factual responses to my question about the deception found in the Clinical Trials approving the mRNA inoculations. (Still refuse to call them vaccines)The Maine State Board revoked my DEA License for prescribing IVM & HCQ to friends, family, patients.
In no way is it my intention to single out your daughter, but so many physicians whose Brains seemed to be Captured by "The Narrative" one with more holes in it than a lace doily. Among these former friends there was no compunction to provide a coherent reply... no data to support allegiance to unsubstantiated assertions... ultimately, their willing blindness, or spineless fear of retaliation... and, once proved absolutely wrong about every part of their SARS CoV-2 belief system... no interest in reflecting on their tortured & tortuous prior assertions. In the end, when the rebuttal is: "I'm a Doctor... You are not...!!!" the weakness of the argument is revealed and there is no further path to trod.
I've witness the "Blame & Shame Game", the retaliatory blackmail of withholding grandchildren, the excommunication from "The Church of the WOKE". It is all so sad... worse than sad. It is a hemorrhaging of the essential ties of families & friends.
Mix in with this the complete abrogation of every patriotic belief I've held for my country and the sanctity of our Constitutional Republic... One is left with a deep concern about where our path leads.
Some more tidbits: After reading a report in early spring 2020 about Vitamin D deficiencies found in covid patients in the ICUs, I expected Fauxi to soon recommend everyone take Vit D supplements. When he said NOTHING that week about Vitamin D, I knew clearly his interest was in something other than public health, and mentioned that to my daughter. "What am I supposed to do, tell my poor black patients to go lay out in the sun?" Um, no, I responded, you could tell them to go to CVS and pick up a bottle of Vitamin D for about $5.00. She scoffed, as while in med school she told me that the vitamins and supplements I take "just give you expensive pee." I also brought up HCQ in a conversation, and she angrily told me "that doesn't work!" to which I responded that when they come into you unable to breathe, and you give them HCQ as you're venting them, you're right, it doesn't work, it's too late. (Lost a friend like that.) When you told them (as instructed by your attendings) to "go home and come back when you can't breathe" is when you should have given them HCQ and steroids, too. "Mom, med schools are accepting applications, go and apply if you want to be a doctor." Then, after hearing Dr. Kory's testimony before the Senate in Dec.2020, I told her about ivermectin. She told me she didn't need me to do any research for her, she DID lots of reading, "hours and hours of it." I believed she was reading only what the hospital and AMA shared with staff, and told her that there were MANY highly credentialed, reputable doctors with decades more experience than she had who were being censored. About 5-6 months later, in the spring of 2021, she admitted that "yes, we are finding ivermectin to be helpful" and I so badly wish that had been via text or email, to have that statement as proof, as it was just weeks later the AMA warned doctors that their licenses were in jeopardy if they used HCQ or IVM for Covid patients. I wanted to ask her how exactly she could make sense of that, knowing that she had seen patients get better with IVM.
I got Covid in April 2022 ( my husband got sick first, after his secretary got sick, having been at a "fully vaxxed, boosted and negative test required" wedding, the day after which the bride and groom informed everyone that they had tested positive, and half of the guests ended up sick within days) I woke up with intense head and chest pain, and really thought I was having a heart attack. I had started taking HCQ 3 days before, when my husband first got sick, and while packing a bag at 2:30am to go to the hospital fearing I was having an MI, yet dreading going to the hospital as an "unvaxxed" patient, I instead took IVM and then a second dose in the morning, and felt remarkably better after those 2 doses, as if I was never sick. I ended up running a fever later that night, and spent 22 of the next 24 hours in bed, but by the next day, I was walking my dogs the 2 mile walk we do daily. This is a CRIME on a huge scale.
Thank you for this. To answer your query -- my daughter did NOT respond to my question about the chicken pox vaccine. A cousin also heard a similar argument from her sister, "J's a doctor, (sister's husband) he's very smart, we ALL got the shots, and the grandchildren did, too. I'm not going to discuss it with you" as she tried to justify excluding my cousin and her family from their big annual family Christmas dinner last year. Ironically (although not really to those of us who had discernment) that big family Christmas gathering didn't happen in 2021 as many of them who gathered for Thanksgiving (having excluding my one awake cousin and her family) were sick with Covid for Christmas. (Hated that my first thought then was "Serves you right," instead of something more charitable.) That cousin did get an apology from one of her siblings in February, a very humble apology, which was huge, but the only apology. Between her family and mine, there's more than 30 siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews who acted in a way that led to the "hemorrhaging of the essential ties of families & friends." It IS worse than sad.
We've lived in one of the nicest coastal towns in Maine. My wife has had friends here since 1978. When she chose to follow my lead and not take the injections, her cluster of Ocean Front dwellers started shaming her. They said I was just a 'second-tier' Med School grad. (I was 40 when I started Med School and the 'Ivies' were not very interested in a balding middle-aged white male in 1993.) She was told that all the Ivy League Docs here had emphatically told them the JAB was absolutely necessary... "Tony had told them so...") She stopped being invited to luncheons at the White Barn and wasn't even texted that they were having weekly Skype Gossip Sessions.
But it's almost 2 years later. One 'friend' lost her 53 year old husband to an 'unexpected' heart condition. Another who rushed out to get her 5 daughters VAX'd had her freshman at Fordham suffer 'inexplicable' heart damage after performing a gymnastics routine 10 months ago. All the girls keep getting terrible colds and flu this season. Another's brother stroked out at 42. These are anecdotal stories, can anyone say what they mean in the aggregate. If you read the Sub Stack of "A Midwestern Doctor from The Forgotten Side of Medicine" with his initial articles he has scrupulously documented literally hundreds of the VAERS-Forgotten victims of this pointless JABB'ng frenzy.
There was a recent study done of 51,011 employees at Cleveland Clinic, 82% double VAX'd, yet, only 10,804 have taken the Bivalent injection. There is an interesting graph where the risk of getting Covid-19 was plotted over 90 days in 5 cohorts: Un-Vax'd, 1 JAB, 2 JABs, 3 JABs & 3 + Bivalent.
Please see Fig #2 Graph in this Article just loaded onto "medRxIV" pre-print server.
With each additional VAX'ng the chance of contracting Covid-19 rises linearly. The Bivalent cohort is 3.3 times more likely to be infected than the UnVax'd cohort. There are multiple other studies demonstrating that essentially all infection rates rise with each additional injection. This is what Peter McCullough and Geert Vanden Bossche have termed "Antigenic Original Sin". Where the VAX'd immune system of individuals is so trained to make antibodies to the original Wuhan Wild Strain (which no longer exists except in labs)... it cannot adequately respond to other infections.
If you fast-tracked thru Dartmouth or Brown, and only read The New England Journal of Medicine & JAMA... you only get the sanctioned party line... they are captured entities. They regurgitate the stock narrative. All the Major Academic Centers publishing all the Major Journals are captured by FDA/NIH research grants. They 'FEAR' losing their grant monies more than any titular commitment to the Hippocratic Oath. The FDA pulls their strings, the NIH pulls the FDA strings, and Big Pharma "OWNS" the Govt. Agencies outright; and Big Pharma flies to Davos for Herr Schwab to direct their priorities.
Follow Dr. Robert Malone's Sub Stack articles. He holds 9 patents on the mRNA Viruses. He worked for DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). He frequently had been tasked with "spinning up a rapid response team." Since he was 'Cancelled' for speaking out against these mRNA ticking time bombs. He has dedicated the last two and a half years documenting 'the emperor has no clothes'.
If you would like to dive further down this rabbit hole... my screening email account is: If contacted there by AwakeAnd Praying I'll share my encrypted email.
I’ve been following *all* the brilliant, ethical minds you mentioned since 2020! oldest daughter (the EM physician), her husband, in-laws all are Harvard grads. (Not H med school, though, but east coast.) Last year for Thanksgiving, her MIL posted a pic of a little Fauci doll next to their turkey, with vomit-inducing adulation of that little felonious fraudulent creep.🤮)
Sorry, I'm just now seeing this comment. I hesitate to name my daughter's in-laws, as her FIL has a million followers on Twitter. I'd love you to challenge him to a debate! How do I message you privately with his name?
I am basically in agreement. It was unconscionable to recommend any product with so little data to support it, much less an experimental tech that had never before been used in humans. The lack of any significant safety data was enough to say no.
Too many ordinary folks—not just doctors—came to this conclusion and abstained. A large number of folks looked at the data critically, but qualified doctors did not? That’s bad medicine and poor professional conduct.
At the very least, recommending experimental jabs is reckless endangerment. At worst, it’s manslaughter. This doesn’t become gray just because we’re in a struggle.
Absolutely understand your utter annoyance with respect to being one of the first out of the gate with this relevant information . After some reflection, I wondered if those who have taken the shots , find themselves somehow damaged , either personally or otherwise , can speak to the larger masses who also have had this Trojan Horse injected into their systems and can be "better heard " than someone who has not taken part in the experiment. I think I'd be asking the talking head TV guys : What are you going to do when this happens again with the next MRNA injection rollout?
It reminds me of Paul Revere getting the historical credit for saying: The British are Coming made famous by the Longfellow poem and maybe ,with luck, you'll find a poet like Helen Moore ( 1896) who made a slight adjustment to the information with regards to credit given: The Midnight Ride of William Dawes:
Oh my god, Linelle. Somebody sent you to me from heaven. I've got to use this in my upcoming grand opus, "If Only They Had Listened" about the experience I went through.
Amazingly and the truth it was a bunch of mistreated truckers that broke the story and the evil governments lies. While some doctors were speaking out and thank you for that, it was the loud honking that changed the narrative. People of the world unite. Do not COMPLY.
God, me too David. In a way, it's more frustrating now than when I was explaining all of this along the way. The louder I screamed, the fewer people listened.. Then I saw, and still see, idiots paraded one after the other on Rogan, Tucker, Megyn Kelly, etc.
A friend of mine asked me if I was going to start commenting on Climate Change, from a physicist's perspective. I'll probably take a pass on it.
David Martin... yes, he was talking about patents that had been registered in the 1990s I believe, that showed a lot of this had been in the works for a long time. Be sure to tune into the livestream on Friday night at 11 pm east coast time. Submit a question!
Reid, I completely understand and share your annoyance with Dr. Malhotra. Yet, I guess the best way to come to terms with it, is to recall Luke's story of "The Prodigal Son". We, the elder sons who have labored in the fields of Truth & Science, bearing the slings & arrows of outrageous fortune question our father's forgiveness for the now repentant son.
Luke has the father say to the 'Good' son: "this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and now is found’ (Luke: 15:32)."
If the WOKESTERS will hear him speak some truth as a repentant liar, god bless him. We have to destroy the MADNESS...!!! Maybe it took his father's death... WHATEVER...!!!!
As Dennis Miller once said: Nobody finds Jesus on Prom Night. It's only when they've fucked their tawdry little life beyond all recognition... Do they turn to the higher power and the light.
Fuck Malhotra... And Fuck Joe Biden... We need vast fields filled with EVERY BLADE OF GRASS.
Beautifully-explained, Doctor.
Nicely written. Our general population doesn’t seem to understand we are fighting to remain alive .new world order wants to eliminate 90per cent of us democrats and republicans. It is time for all to wake up. “One and done is bad enough but “four (Covid fax)and bring more “ is unfortunately just happening with only those with blind trust in the wolves at their door
I was going to write a Prodigal Son response, but you have beaten me to it. As a religion student in college who was later ordained (doctoring more fun, though) this was a parable i never understood -- and I still do not.
So I feel your pain, Reid. I have seen lots of it. Eventually, you just ignore it and do what you can do in your own vineyard. In part because that is likely your only choice. And in part because it is more productive.
Merry Christmas! May 2023 be a better year.
Thank you, Doctor. It's going to be. By the end of it, I will release, "If Only They Had Listened...". Look for Linelle's poem in the comments. Merry Christmas and thanks!
I was an early follower of yours on Twitter, and get your frustration, and am grateful for your attempts to warn us. Here’s a January 2021 conversation with my daughter (a PGY4 at that time, Emergency Medicine, in an urban hospital, which got hit hard in 2020. She surely was traumatized, which all along I blamed Fauci for.)
D:Mom, you better get your shot as soon as they’re available for your age group.
Me: I’d rather wait, plus you were the one who, before “tests” were available dx’ed me with CoVid last March. When the chicken pox vaccine came out, I didn’t have you get it, as you had already had chicken pox, what’s different about this?
D: You’re not a doctor!
Me: My skill set (attorney, retired) is critical thinking, analytical reading. I’ve read the EUA documents, have you?
D: You’re not a doctor, I AM, and I don’t want you to die.
Me: I’m not worried about dying from this. I’ve seen Dr. Ionnaidis’ stats on the IFR, have you?
D: Oh, so now you think you can read what they spend a semester teaching us? Mom, PLEASE listen to the doctor here.
Me: You know as well as I do that in 2006, if I just “listened to the doctors” your sister would be dead, or blind. I read all the pubmed articles that the ICU docs didn’t have the time to read. My advocacy for her is why she’s healthy and alive. You know that to be true, so please don’t tell me I need to be a doctor to have an understanding of medical issues.
(2006: 2d daughter, then 13, had severe head pain “feels like my head is in a circular vice,” was vomiting bile and it took docs at a major hospital more than 10 days to diagnose, as they believed she “just” had mastoiditis and a sinus infection and was malingering, actually came to conclusion that it was a way to get my attention. Oh, I’m reliving the anger, not good. I told them it was indeed “all in her head” in a real, physical way, not a psych way. Well, what was in her head was finally dx’ed as CVST and ICP. She underwent emergency dual optic nerve sheath fenestration and then LP shunt placement, which failed almost immediately and it took docs a full week to recognize that, all while I watched my daughter suffer, due in part to arrogance of a particular resident who refused to acknowledge that the shunt wasn’t working.
So, no, I told her. I’ve read enough to be wary of a brand new technology, being used on a brand new virus. I pray you got saline.
We had that conversation more than once, and I was deemed a threat to the health of her and her baby, and was not allowed to see my granddaughter for more than 6 months. Still praying to get back to the close relationship we had up until these damn shots rolled out.
I have cousins whose husbands and brother-in-laws are doctors (cardiologist, spine surgeon) who I was close with prior to January 2021, and those relationships are broken, too. Didn’t ever have discussions with them about the shots, but they saw what I posted on FB and IG, which was warnings from docs like you. I posted those only when I realized they were going to offer these shots to kids, I was trying to wake people up before they all got their kids no avail. Pretty certain all my 9 siblings & spouses and my 22 nieces and nephews all got at least 2 shots. And the kids’ (2 nieces) going to the ER with chest pains and dots connected. It’s so worrisome, I pray for all who trusted, and got injected. 🙏🏻😢🙏🏻
Read your post with interest. As a semi-retired neurologist I had multiple conversations with "colleagues" who displayed uncritical 'Slave Minds'. The conversation you described with your daughter reflected my experience throughout the last 32 months., You never mentioned if she actually replied to your original question about Chicken Pox. Did she ever make a cogent honest response to that question?
My wife & I never submitted to being 'Jabbed'. We've never been sick, never tested positive. In my conversations with colleagues they never made factual responses to my question about the deception found in the Clinical Trials approving the mRNA inoculations. (Still refuse to call them vaccines)The Maine State Board revoked my DEA License for prescribing IVM & HCQ to friends, family, patients.
In no way is it my intention to single out your daughter, but so many physicians whose Brains seemed to be Captured by "The Narrative" one with more holes in it than a lace doily. Among these former friends there was no compunction to provide a coherent reply... no data to support allegiance to unsubstantiated assertions... ultimately, their willing blindness, or spineless fear of retaliation... and, once proved absolutely wrong about every part of their SARS CoV-2 belief system... no interest in reflecting on their tortured & tortuous prior assertions. In the end, when the rebuttal is: "I'm a Doctor... You are not...!!!" the weakness of the argument is revealed and there is no further path to trod.
I've witness the "Blame & Shame Game", the retaliatory blackmail of withholding grandchildren, the excommunication from "The Church of the WOKE". It is all so sad... worse than sad. It is a hemorrhaging of the essential ties of families & friends.
Mix in with this the complete abrogation of every patriotic belief I've held for my country and the sanctity of our Constitutional Republic... One is left with a deep concern about where our path leads.
Some more tidbits: After reading a report in early spring 2020 about Vitamin D deficiencies found in covid patients in the ICUs, I expected Fauxi to soon recommend everyone take Vit D supplements. When he said NOTHING that week about Vitamin D, I knew clearly his interest was in something other than public health, and mentioned that to my daughter. "What am I supposed to do, tell my poor black patients to go lay out in the sun?" Um, no, I responded, you could tell them to go to CVS and pick up a bottle of Vitamin D for about $5.00. She scoffed, as while in med school she told me that the vitamins and supplements I take "just give you expensive pee." I also brought up HCQ in a conversation, and she angrily told me "that doesn't work!" to which I responded that when they come into you unable to breathe, and you give them HCQ as you're venting them, you're right, it doesn't work, it's too late. (Lost a friend like that.) When you told them (as instructed by your attendings) to "go home and come back when you can't breathe" is when you should have given them HCQ and steroids, too. "Mom, med schools are accepting applications, go and apply if you want to be a doctor." Then, after hearing Dr. Kory's testimony before the Senate in Dec.2020, I told her about ivermectin. She told me she didn't need me to do any research for her, she DID lots of reading, "hours and hours of it." I believed she was reading only what the hospital and AMA shared with staff, and told her that there were MANY highly credentialed, reputable doctors with decades more experience than she had who were being censored. About 5-6 months later, in the spring of 2021, she admitted that "yes, we are finding ivermectin to be helpful" and I so badly wish that had been via text or email, to have that statement as proof, as it was just weeks later the AMA warned doctors that their licenses were in jeopardy if they used HCQ or IVM for Covid patients. I wanted to ask her how exactly she could make sense of that, knowing that she had seen patients get better with IVM.
I got Covid in April 2022 ( my husband got sick first, after his secretary got sick, having been at a "fully vaxxed, boosted and negative test required" wedding, the day after which the bride and groom informed everyone that they had tested positive, and half of the guests ended up sick within days) I woke up with intense head and chest pain, and really thought I was having a heart attack. I had started taking HCQ 3 days before, when my husband first got sick, and while packing a bag at 2:30am to go to the hospital fearing I was having an MI, yet dreading going to the hospital as an "unvaxxed" patient, I instead took IVM and then a second dose in the morning, and felt remarkably better after those 2 doses, as if I was never sick. I ended up running a fever later that night, and spent 22 of the next 24 hours in bed, but by the next day, I was walking my dogs the 2 mile walk we do daily. This is a CRIME on a huge scale.
Thank you for this. To answer your query -- my daughter did NOT respond to my question about the chicken pox vaccine. A cousin also heard a similar argument from her sister, "J's a doctor, (sister's husband) he's very smart, we ALL got the shots, and the grandchildren did, too. I'm not going to discuss it with you" as she tried to justify excluding my cousin and her family from their big annual family Christmas dinner last year. Ironically (although not really to those of us who had discernment) that big family Christmas gathering didn't happen in 2021 as many of them who gathered for Thanksgiving (having excluding my one awake cousin and her family) were sick with Covid for Christmas. (Hated that my first thought then was "Serves you right," instead of something more charitable.) That cousin did get an apology from one of her siblings in February, a very humble apology, which was huge, but the only apology. Between her family and mine, there's more than 30 siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews who acted in a way that led to the "hemorrhaging of the essential ties of families & friends." It IS worse than sad.
We've lived in one of the nicest coastal towns in Maine. My wife has had friends here since 1978. When she chose to follow my lead and not take the injections, her cluster of Ocean Front dwellers started shaming her. They said I was just a 'second-tier' Med School grad. (I was 40 when I started Med School and the 'Ivies' were not very interested in a balding middle-aged white male in 1993.) She was told that all the Ivy League Docs here had emphatically told them the JAB was absolutely necessary... "Tony had told them so...") She stopped being invited to luncheons at the White Barn and wasn't even texted that they were having weekly Skype Gossip Sessions.
But it's almost 2 years later. One 'friend' lost her 53 year old husband to an 'unexpected' heart condition. Another who rushed out to get her 5 daughters VAX'd had her freshman at Fordham suffer 'inexplicable' heart damage after performing a gymnastics routine 10 months ago. All the girls keep getting terrible colds and flu this season. Another's brother stroked out at 42. These are anecdotal stories, can anyone say what they mean in the aggregate. If you read the Sub Stack of "A Midwestern Doctor from The Forgotten Side of Medicine" with his initial articles he has scrupulously documented literally hundreds of the VAERS-Forgotten victims of this pointless JABB'ng frenzy.
There was a recent study done of 51,011 employees at Cleveland Clinic, 82% double VAX'd, yet, only 10,804 have taken the Bivalent injection. There is an interesting graph where the risk of getting Covid-19 was plotted over 90 days in 5 cohorts: Un-Vax'd, 1 JAB, 2 JABs, 3 JABs & 3 + Bivalent.
Please see Fig #2 Graph in this Article just loaded onto "medRxIV" pre-print server.
With each additional VAX'ng the chance of contracting Covid-19 rises linearly. The Bivalent cohort is 3.3 times more likely to be infected than the UnVax'd cohort. There are multiple other studies demonstrating that essentially all infection rates rise with each additional injection. This is what Peter McCullough and Geert Vanden Bossche have termed "Antigenic Original Sin". Where the VAX'd immune system of individuals is so trained to make antibodies to the original Wuhan Wild Strain (which no longer exists except in labs)... it cannot adequately respond to other infections.
If you fast-tracked thru Dartmouth or Brown, and only read The New England Journal of Medicine & JAMA... you only get the sanctioned party line... they are captured entities. They regurgitate the stock narrative. All the Major Academic Centers publishing all the Major Journals are captured by FDA/NIH research grants. They 'FEAR' losing their grant monies more than any titular commitment to the Hippocratic Oath. The FDA pulls their strings, the NIH pulls the FDA strings, and Big Pharma "OWNS" the Govt. Agencies outright; and Big Pharma flies to Davos for Herr Schwab to direct their priorities.
Follow Dr. Robert Malone's Sub Stack articles. He holds 9 patents on the mRNA Viruses. He worked for DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). He frequently had been tasked with "spinning up a rapid response team." Since he was 'Cancelled' for speaking out against these mRNA ticking time bombs. He has dedicated the last two and a half years documenting 'the emperor has no clothes'.
If you would like to dive further down this rabbit hole... my screening email account is: If contacted there by AwakeAnd Praying I'll share my encrypted email.
I’ve been following *all* the brilliant, ethical minds you mentioned since 2020! oldest daughter (the EM physician), her husband, in-laws all are Harvard grads. (Not H med school, though, but east coast.) Last year for Thanksgiving, her MIL posted a pic of a little Fauci doll next to their turkey, with vomit-inducing adulation of that little felonious fraudulent creep.🤮)
They all admire what Fauci did? Please ask them if they would agree to a debate with me, videotaped and not edited.
Sorry, I'm just now seeing this comment. I hesitate to name my daughter's in-laws, as her FIL has a million followers on Twitter. I'd love you to challenge him to a debate! How do I message you privately with his name?
Here is the link to the Malhotra (I misspelled it in the piece, with apologies) interview with Steve Kirsch.
I am basically in agreement. It was unconscionable to recommend any product with so little data to support it, much less an experimental tech that had never before been used in humans. The lack of any significant safety data was enough to say no.
Too many ordinary folks—not just doctors—came to this conclusion and abstained. A large number of folks looked at the data critically, but qualified doctors did not? That’s bad medicine and poor professional conduct.
At the very least, recommending experimental jabs is reckless endangerment. At worst, it’s manslaughter. This doesn’t become gray just because we’re in a struggle.
Absolutely understand your utter annoyance with respect to being one of the first out of the gate with this relevant information . After some reflection, I wondered if those who have taken the shots , find themselves somehow damaged , either personally or otherwise , can speak to the larger masses who also have had this Trojan Horse injected into their systems and can be "better heard " than someone who has not taken part in the experiment. I think I'd be asking the talking head TV guys : What are you going to do when this happens again with the next MRNA injection rollout?
It reminds me of Paul Revere getting the historical credit for saying: The British are Coming made famous by the Longfellow poem and maybe ,with luck, you'll find a poet like Helen Moore ( 1896) who made a slight adjustment to the information with regards to credit given: The Midnight Ride of William Dawes:
I am a wandering, bitter shade,
Never of me was a hero made;
Poets have never sung my praise,
Nobody crowned my brow with bays;
And if you ask me the fatal cause,
I answer only, “My name was Dawes”
‘Tis all very well for the children to hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere;
But why should my name be quite forgot,
Who rode as boldly and well, God wot?
Why should I ask?
The reason is clear —
My name was Dawes and his Revere.
Oh my god, Linelle. Somebody sent you to me from heaven. I've got to use this in my upcoming grand opus, "If Only They Had Listened" about the experience I went through.
Amazingly and the truth it was a bunch of mistreated truckers that broke the story and the evil governments lies. While some doctors were speaking out and thank you for that, it was the loud honking that changed the narrative. People of the world unite. Do not COMPLY.
Here's the Malhoutra interview:
Thank You Reid,
i wish i knew how to get you in the door for interviews.
this whole thing has been fascinating to watch as the facts very slowly make it to surface awareness.
the problem might really be that you are too far ahead. 'they' aren't ready to hear.
in my small world you were definitely way ahead of the experts.
do you know of Dr. David Martin? hope you are well, dave
God, me too David. In a way, it's more frustrating now than when I was explaining all of this along the way. The louder I screamed, the fewer people listened.. Then I saw, and still see, idiots paraded one after the other on Rogan, Tucker, Megyn Kelly, etc.
A friend of mine asked me if I was going to start commenting on Climate Change, from a physicist's perspective. I'll probably take a pass on it.
really love the way your mind works. it is at a rare level. thank you for your efforts.
David Martin... yes, he was talking about patents that had been registered in the 1990s I believe, that showed a lot of this had been in the works for a long time. Be sure to tune into the livestream on Friday night at 11 pm east coast time. Submit a question!
Reid, sorry, i just saw this. i missed the livestream. =( you are appreciated. Merry Christmas, dave
Thanks, David. Yeah, we did the livestream this morning. It was very good. William will post it on Rumble, Rokfin, etc. Merry Christmas!