The first statement is true. It is obvious that the death rate is greater for those in that age group who had two doses of the vaccine (compared with the unvaccinated. But is this graph helpful? No, it is not. The problem is that the age range is too broad. Don't you suppose that those closer to 59 years of age will get vaccinated more often than those at the lower end of the range? It's true. There is a greater fraction of 50 - 59 year-olds getting vaccinated than 10 - 19 year olds. So maybe the higher death rates in the vaccinated group is due to it's much greater average age. Their deaths could be due due to things that kill older people more often than young people, such as heart disease.. The age range is simply too large for any meaningful conclusion to be drawn.

The second statement is false. Lets say you are 57 years old. Based on this graph, getting the vaccine won't necessarily increase your chances of dying Now, I happen to think, with a number needed to treat (NNT) of 119, getting the vaccine didn't do much for the wild type and Delta strains, certainly after a few months. For Omicron, it's turning out way worse. On top of all this, the recipient is also subject to the side effects, including death. Furthermore, as everyone knows, we have no data on long-term side effects. The trials won't be finished for a year. There are only two of the reasons for not getting the vaccine which I laid out in a video before they were released.

Here is the video that proves the NNT is 119. I performed these calculations the night the Pfizer and Moderna trial data were released. . My conclusions were challenged aggressively for a few months, but I was vindicated 6 months after I posted the video by a data science group from Oxford who ran the numbers and agreed with me identically. The video: https://rumble.com/vivgcn-dont-get-the-vaccine-until-you-see-this-part-1.html

The vindication: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00069-0/fulltext

My ten reasons for not getting the vaccine (Recall that this was sposted before the vaccines had been released. https://www.bitchute.com/video/0K4lAumeAWaT/

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While the number of deaths seems uncontroversial, there is no indication how many of those deaths were from Covid, and thus whether vaccination includes covid morbidity. It is possible that those people who go vaccinated did so party because they had other co-morbities and did so to protect themselves from Covid, whereas the unvaccinated group may have included a greater number of healthy individuals who did not find it necessary to seek additional protection from covid.

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Zygmus, you're on the right track but this graph never mentions covid. Incidentally, the healthier are more likely to get the vaccine, not those with more co-morbidities. It has been verified.

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It seems that both are true.

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Leighton, You can draw conclusions about the groups , according to the graph, but you can't draw any conclusion about a single age.

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