On a somewhat related note , we do in fact have some "very polite "inquiry situations going on here in Canada that few even know about because it's the so called fringe . It is something called National Citizens Inquiry whereby people get the "chance" to give their opinions about what they have observed over these past few years . One person who is outstanding , in many peoples opinions , is Dr Jessica Rose . Not sure if you , Dr Sheftall, are familiar with her skill sets re data analysis and her considered findings . It was because of her videos in early 2020 that it gave me great pause when considering what was happening and feel so gratefull for her work , much like yours, right out of the gate ,noting something was wrong . She is very humble , note her academic background , loves to surf , is a fitness instructor ,and feeds the feral cats ! Love how animated we Canadians can be ... sort of . I think you both could talk the same language : https://rumble.com/v2i1s5y-dr.-jessica-rose-testifies-about-vaers-data-and-covid-models-day-1-winnipeg.html
Hope you can speak with her on the same level. She has a substack - all free for everyone - and maybe connect with her there with some analytic data observations, She seems very open to feedback with her findings because she is built for scientific data collections etc.
The kitten has it below: Dr Rose has a "little" education and she loves cats and surfs just to round things off and she has a sense of humour to keep rounding off
Jessica Rose
Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology from Bar Ilan University and 2 Post Doctoral degrees: one in Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and one in Biochemistry from the Technion Institute of Technology. She was also accepted for a 2-month program as a senior researcher at the Weizmann Institute prior to completion of her latest post doctoral degree at the Technion. Her more recent research efforts are aimed at descriptive analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data in efforts to make this data accessible to the public.
Other countries are laughing at us. We are not leaders, we are woke now.
Even the public schools and many private schools have become racist and even "exceptionalism" is being diminished. I feel so sorry for the future of our country.
I have "friends " who will not acknowledge any of this stuff - living in bubbles that are safe and very effective for them . It is a very sad time indeed for some of us who have been watching from the "fringes " as our country is imploding from within rapidly- as was the plan .
On a somewhat related note , we do in fact have some "very polite "inquiry situations going on here in Canada that few even know about because it's the so called fringe . It is something called National Citizens Inquiry whereby people get the "chance" to give their opinions about what they have observed over these past few years . One person who is outstanding , in many peoples opinions , is Dr Jessica Rose . Not sure if you , Dr Sheftall, are familiar with her skill sets re data analysis and her considered findings . It was because of her videos in early 2020 that it gave me great pause when considering what was happening and feel so gratefull for her work , much like yours, right out of the gate ,noting something was wrong . She is very humble , note her academic background , loves to surf , is a fitness instructor ,and feeds the feral cats ! Love how animated we Canadians can be ... sort of . I think you both could talk the same language : https://rumble.com/v2i1s5y-dr.-jessica-rose-testifies-about-vaers-data-and-covid-models-day-1-winnipeg.html
Yes Linelle. Someone suggested I track her down and do a Bhattacharya-style discussion with her. I'd like to.
Hope you can speak with her on the same level. She has a substack - all free for everyone - and maybe connect with her there with some analytic data observations, She seems very open to feedback with her findings because she is built for scientific data collections etc.
Is she a data analyst or a phD in biology?
thanks, kitten
The kitten has it below: Dr Rose has a "little" education and she loves cats and surfs just to round things off and she has a sense of humour to keep rounding off
Jessica Rose
Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics and a Master's degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology from Bar Ilan University and 2 Post Doctoral degrees: one in Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and one in Biochemistry from the Technion Institute of Technology. She was also accepted for a 2-month program as a senior researcher at the Weizmann Institute prior to completion of her latest post doctoral degree at the Technion. Her more recent research efforts are aimed at descriptive analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data in efforts to make this data accessible to the public.
thanks, Linelle.
Jessica Rose is a bona fide Heroine.
Would like her statue on my front lawn - she is that grand indeed.
wow. OK I'm convinced. I'll reach out to her.
Theives is too kind. more like demonic murderers.
Smedley Butler said it so long ago: War Is a Racket.
And we are *definitely* in a war.
Suspect it's just as bad in Canada where things are still safe and effective .
The US and Canada were both bad to the max.
We are living in disgusting times.
Other countries are laughing at us. We are not leaders, we are woke now.
Even the public schools and many private schools have become racist and even "exceptionalism" is being diminished. I feel so sorry for the future of our country.
I have "friends " who will not acknowledge any of this stuff - living in bubbles that are safe and very effective for them . It is a very sad time indeed for some of us who have been watching from the "fringes " as our country is imploding from within rapidly- as was the plan .
ask those friends to explain the kickback scheme.
I made a cut and paste ( de identified of course) and put that on fBook. I’ll be on fB vacation for a few weeks I assume🤣
Let’s Face It,
The Kids That Wanted To Be
Were Never The Cool Kids.
And My God
Were We Right.