You should get booked onto Tucker. He just had Brett Weinstein last week.

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How can I do it? I have been so frustrated with so many people who were dead wrong getting on these shows. I have written Tucker twice asking to be on. I didn't hear back. He wouldn't be seeing the letters. He gets thousands of letters every day. They get screened. Then his producers do a quick meeting with him to decide who they will have on. I do think I am the most knowledgeable guest- certainly the one with the best track record- but I can't seem to make the connection.

Bret Weinstein got projected into Covid podcast stardom without knowing anything about medical science. He was an obscure biology teacher in an obscure college who got on TV with Tucker after woke kids at that college (Evergreen in Washington state) threatened him. They wanted "a day with white people banned from the college" and he offered very minimal resistance to it during a semi-riot where they went to the President's office to demand he resign- on of those things- and he got in the middle of it. The strange thing is that Bret is a very progressive ,far left warrior and has always been. He freely admits it.

He got a settlement from the college and left. He started the podcast with his wife who was also an evolutionary biologist and teacher at the same college. He does the podcasts with her. I write about him in my upcoming book. I don't have a problem with Bret except for jealousy and frustration on my part. He's just another layman who was wrong (not to imply that the other "stars" such as Peter McCullough, Robert Malone (never practiced medicine), Pierre Kory, and others weren't also wrong on tons of it too) on everything. He has taken a crash course since the early days when he didn't understand the simplest things. In some ways, he's similar to Steve Kirsch, who got a huge following while knowing very little about medical science, probably less than even Bret. Why do people subscribe to their podcasts or even more so to someone like Naomi Wolf who is a humanities person, covering something as technically-complex as Covid? I don't know. I'm baffled.

I guess my beef is with the producers of these major shows (Tucker, Rogan, Bill Maher, Megyn Kelly, etc.). They keep circulating the same people who know very little and understand almost nothing after people like me introduce and prove major milestones in the understanding of this very complicated (at the time) fraud that seems so clear now to people like Bret who were completely clueless at the time. The producers and Tucker and Joe are giving him credit he doesn't deserve instead of Dr. Yeadon or me or Spartacus or El Gato Malo who do.

To give you a specific example, here is a quote of Bret's from none other than Joe Rogan's podcast: and an excerpt from my book where I list quotes of key people: “We screwed up the lockdown, badly, because we went halfway. That a very short, very intense lockdown could have ended it and that would have been the smart thing to do. Unfortunately, the political will was not there.” Clearly, Bret was strongly in favor of lockdowns. HE THOUGHT WE SHOULD HAVE MADE THEM MORE INTENSE! He went on to say in the same interview, ”I am looking at New Zealand with utter envy. Can you imagine at this moment being free of SARS-2?” Joe: “Yeah, they nailed it. But they also had so few people!” Bret: “Oh they definitely had it easier but the point is, they did prove it was possible.” What exactly did they prove was possible? That being an island in the southern hemisphere within a completely different climate zone might delay the inevitable. No, Bret thought it was over forever in New Zealand forever because of their intense lockdowns. Soon, New Zealand would have the worst numbers in the world. Lockdowns are the exact opposite of what you want to do. They just force people to huddle together in areas of stagnant air; the absolute worst thing you can do because stagnant air accumulates virus and therefore, infected people.

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How does one give a tip to Citizen’s Free Press? How about there?

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I am a TNC subscriber so I can “ask Tucker “ ,so I will. I am going to ask him to have you on the show. I want the truth of the whole situation, and hopefully to get these shots off the medical MyChart system pushing people to get them. And since you have an upcoming book, hopefully he will take this on. It is an election year so it will be full court press on that theme but the residual Covid shot is the more important one, and government interference.

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I appreciate that so much, Donna. If you want to learn more facts about me so you can use them to interest Tucker and give me more bona fides, I can send you a summary. My email is Rsheftall@gmail.com. Send me a one sentence email and I'll send you the summary that hopefully qualifies me as an authority and increases his interest in interviewing me. Yes, The book is a strong attraction. It should be, anyway.

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That’s exactly what I was thinking while watching the interview!!

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Brett seems to like the idea of new and different mRNA vaccines.

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All the more reason for Reid to be on there.

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I agree, absolutely. About Brett, though, he implies what an efficient kill weapon the mRNA platform is--so I doubt the DOD will end its use, no matter who or what presents the facts.

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Is the new version out now?

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Not yet, Keith. Try next Wednesday. Thank you

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Will you let us know when the new version is released?

Thank you.

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yes, definitely, Keith. Only a few days now. It's early in the wee hours of Sunday morning in Cambodia. It will be submitted by 8 am pacific time on Monday morning.

Thank you.

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Keith. I now must extend again after a difficult time this past weekend when some people emptied my bank account ABA Bank in Cambodia. I will make a loud announcement when my book is available. Thank you for your interest and patience. I appreciate it very much.

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Is Barry Young permanently in a prison? ...You are right that non-medicals can give help here. In fact the affair is not a task mainly for medicals as it is quite a complicated math problem. The guess is already resolved and a paper written, but medicals ignore it as it is very difficult. However a very small part of it is the proof too. =If official Covid-19 victims (the DIC group in the US) were genuine Covid-19 victims (and not those who died naturally due to aging) the average number of chronic conditions in the DIC group must have been strongly increased against the number in the comparative group of alive ones (out of the U.S. society) with the same age-structure, as long as Covid-19-mortality is nothing like 100%, but a slice of a percent. But the number of conditions is not visibly increased at all, so the share of genuine Covid-19 deaths (in the DIC group) can be only very small or close to none." ...-even something so simple like this, what should be one of first thing medicals get to, is ignored by them. ...Not only a 75-year-old one is on average much weaker than a 50-year-old one, but also a 75-year-old one with e.g. 15 CCW-conditions is much weaker than a 75-year-old one with e.g. 1-2 conditions (the first one has on average about 5 years of further life expectancy, while the second one about 16 years). There are two factors reflecting the health status: age and a person's state against the age-average. It is not mathematically possible that any burdening factor (e.g. Covid-19) chooses to kill weaker ones by age but ignores the second factor; in every possible combination of age-subgroups the average number of conditions must be considerably increased against the comparative group, of alive ones (and not being in a terminal state yet) ,with the same age-structure. ...Covid-19 infects numbers of 50-year-old ones, 55-year-old ones ...75-year-old ones, 80-year-old ones, etc. ...but kills few of infected ones out of those at any specific age.

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Hey, no writer's block! All good.

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Thanks, but as long as you are alive and well, I am happy.

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Just received your book yesterday!!!

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