Forget Covid. I first want Dr. Leanna W.E.F. Wen to explain how she ended up in front of a green screen in the CNN studio after the Boston Marathon bombing.


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100% crisis actor

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Absolutely. CNN is the Ministry of Truth for the globalist cabal and Wen is one of their foot soldiers. She passed her screen test here so she got promoted during the plandemic.

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yup, but to be fair, CNN is just one branch of the Ministry…but I think we agree—they’re everywhere.

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That's easy. She's a scammer; happy any time to decieve the public.

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As always , such a wide and varied amount of topics that you are able to explore at depth . Here in Canada , the injections are mostly "safe and effective " as far as I'll assume the vast majority believes based on our media . There are so many paths that require attention, and right now for me ,it is the censorship of Dr Jordan Peterson where the captured Association of Psychologists want to take his license away because ,for one, he was critical of the current regime of young trudeau and co.. ; they want to "reeducate " his thinking . I see a regime like Mao's taking hold here and it won't matter about the data , facts , or any truth because the "narrative " is protected at all costs in all directions.

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Linelle, you are going to find my next attempt to drill this into everyone's head much to your liking. I'll still continue the series with Chad the cyberbot, the COVID Forensic Files, excerpts from my book, etc. But come the end of January. hold onto your hat. I'm going to do something you'll love. I'll loeave it there for now. Working on "them" now.

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It is all so disheartening ( not in the injected sense) and your heroic work is remarkable to me .

Looking forward as always to your posts with anticipation . Thank you as always.

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I think the two biggest issues right now are the cover-up of the massive spike in "all-cause" deaths and the emerging evidence that our government conspired with Facebook, Twitter, etc. to kill free speech in America. Which is a violation of the First Amendement to our constitution.


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Bill ,at least you know your constitutional rights . Most here in Canada have no idea about their constitutional rights nor are they aware of the conspiracy that was used , I'll image, in lock step across the G 7 countries, to censor free speech. I am interested to see what our government will do with Rebel News ( an alternative news source here ) and the seizure of Jordan Peterson's license to practice . The regimes come after the intellectuals first and alternative voices for sure: Sitting ducks, moose ,and/ or beavers here in our mostly non contrarian Canada with the powers that be .

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