Reid, This is actually splendidly rendered. It is a shame you do not get more exposure, because this is exactly what I thought about that conversation.

I spend way too much time these days discussing Galileo. Sheesh.

Thanks for writing this. Dead right, as usual.

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Thanks. Not getting more exposure has been my fault. I don't know how to get them to respond to my emails. It's the same people over and over again. It really frustrates me when they say things over and over that are wrong. But they get invited to interview again and again. They even get invited by the Senate to testify when they were wrong on half of it. I'm thinking of Dr. Marty Makary who said, “ … and we can have those debates (of mask effectiveness). We have a country of opinions and we need to put those opinions aside. Whatever the effectiveness of the mask is, whether it’s a 30% mitigation or a 60% mitigation in reducing the velocity of transmission, it’s one of the few tools we have. Look at Asia, look at Europe. Look at many of the states in the northern United States. They have been able to manage the infection after initial spikes and surges because of universal masking.” But there are many who have given Senate testimony and appeared on many prime interview platforms who have been wrong on lots of it. Frustrating to watch.

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Actually, esteemed docs, I came to this article with a favorable attitude and am leaving it with the sense that you are still invested in "we doctors could not have known unless we trained in physics". Bullshit. Two months into it, it did not add up. Bells should have been going off. You don't have to be trained in physics to recognize you are being gaslighted. Or that people who are asking important questions are being shut down, and paranoia is spreading.

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I don't understand what you are referring to. Nobody had to train in physics. If you understand some things, you can describe it more thoroughly. If not, you wouldn't be able to explain WHY lockdowns wouldn't work. didn't say "we doctors could not have known unless we trained in physics." I said, " But medical doctors would be expected to miss the physics." The reason why is, medical doctors don't major in physics because it's too hard to make straight As in physics and pre-meds know they will need to make straight As or something close to it. That is all. There was nothing negative about it. They would be expected to miss the physics because they didn't study it as I would be expected to miss questions about the last 25 prima ballerinas of the New York Ballet. I haven't looked at it. Very few (but definitely some) people understood this at the beginning. Even now, three years of data and videos and posts later, the overwhelming majority of doctors believe the narrative. It's true!

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I was reacting to this passage: "The overwhelming majority still believe in the narrative. That is almost unbelievable to me after everything that has come out now. Not at the beginning, though. Only three people that I know of understood this from the beginning. But medical doctors would be expected to miss the physics."

I did not realized you were referring to specific issues (that you made videos on). It seemed to me that you were saying only three people you know were onto the falseness of the narrative. Which did not make sense. Thank you for the explanation. Sorry I gave you a hard time. Glad I was wrong.

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It's ok. Forget it. Please continue to share your thoughts.

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I think you are missing the point. Reid's point is he DID point this out early (as did many of us) and we DID act on it to the best of our ability. I do not know from where your physics angle has arisen. You are right -- we knew and we said so. The problem was, no one, and I mean no one, that had the ability to bully-pulpit this effectively could be found. That was Reid's comment (heaven knows, we all tried and are still doing so) but there were just no takers. I for one (and I am sure Reid will concur) did not need any physics experiments to know that masking does not work. It has been studied for 50 years and has never worked. This was not going to be any different. I started writing about this in February 2020 as did Reid. Not sure could have begun earlier than that. But we both have been frustratedly ineffective, sadly.

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It was dr Reid who speaks of the physics angle in this article. He chastised dr Kory for writing so that the forces of "amnesty" are given a pass, and now this? "Doctors could not have known?" Argh. I was disappointed. And at the same I am grateful for all the docs speaking out now (or earlier).

In the world we live in, the "spirit of the times" seems to lean toward totalitarianism. In so many ways. No matter what any of us say. Don't lose heart. The pendulum always stops and swings back.

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I didn't chastise Dr. Kory. I just suggested that he avoid referring to future pandemics because that can be interpreted as "learning from this one so we don't do it in the future" which is the language the amnesty people are using. Read the article in the Atlantic by the lady from Brown U. Emily something. She says we should give the perpetrators amnesty because "no one understood this at first". Dr. K is right about the studies that have already been done on masks and hand washing. I put them up in my videos. 72 years of RCTs (meta-analyses) and in not one did masks reduce transmission significantly. My proofs of every claim I made make use of physics in some cases. You wouldn't know what I was showing if you didn't know the physics and you wouldn't be expected to. That's all I said. I didn't say people who don't know physics can't understand why masks don't work. You definitely misinterpreted this post. I wasn't being critical of medical doctors or Dr. Kory.

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I watched that interview with so much frustration. I was waiting on Deltree to say, "but what if the consensus is manufactured?" Then come with some of the receipts showing the establishments corruption. But he never did.

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Same here, Roy. They both fell into the trap of not listening to the other person and asking a question like the one you proposed which would have made the other person have to reconcile it. Never happened, as you point out.

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The disheartening thing for me is despite many people sharing actual data, most of them still weren’t listened to. For the most part, (except for the smart ones on Substack), the only source of information that gained traction was lies from the corrupt government and media. That’s why otherwise intelligent folks like NDT feel so confident in their narrative...their brain has been hijacked.

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True but he shouldn't be saying consensus rules in science. It doesn't.

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And I agree Del dropped the ball on this debate. He had a great opportunity that he bumbled.

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Is there any way for you to contact Deltree ? The conversation was disturbing when I saw it and I think coming from your background you are in a credible position to at least give him your opinion.

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If I remember correctly, I wrote his standard email and never heard from him. I have completely struck out on hearing from these interview hosts. I don't know how to do it,. Maybe they get dozens of requests every day and they only look at people who are recommended of who have been on other shows?

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It must be so frustrating for you ; I'll only assume you aren't the only one not being "heard ". Most of the people who are "getting the interviews" and in the media ( influencers?) have a very large on line presence - re instagram, facebook etc... Now I'm reading about what is happening in substack and wonder how people will be thwarted with respect to getting their word out there . Hope you are finding time to do your portraits since that'll be something worth more than mere words, in my opinion. And speaking of art , I did have an opportunity to see and hear Dr Ryan Cole with his stained slides showing the spike protein in various body parts .

I would love a tee shirt saying "Cells Don't Lie" with those gorgeous slides . If anyone asked me what does that mean , then, it's an opportunity to talk about the spike protein going everywhere in the body : A tee shirt about covid, hiding in plain sight!

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It has been very frustrating. I thought writing a book was going to do it- especially an edgy one of the kind I wrote- but that didn't work either. It's my fault. I should have no problem getting on shows like the ones i tried for. I think the problem is that I don't know how the system works. It's possible that the host has nothing to do with scheduling guests. The producers of his show do it and they only talk to publicists or Simon and Schuster's rep when they want an appearance to plug a book- those sorts of people- and the emails I wrote never got read by anyone.

Yes the pathology pictures are really beautiful. I noticed it in medical school. They put jackson Pollack's stuff to shame.

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Thinking out loud here , Dr Sheftall ,have you considered the Brownstone Institute ? They have a lot of people writing about many issues . It really is difficult to "crack a system " .

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Well that was painful to watch. Notice how they both conspicuously avoid delving into any data. They both made fools of themselves but especially NDT blathering about consensus this, consensus that....I mean really.....that is not how one does science. We do science by observation and data gathering and using logic, not parroting the political flavor du jour.

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Thank You Reid.

personally, the first person that i ran across that described the way respiratory viruses spread was Dr. Knut Wittkowski. (i think that was in march 20200 the last 3 years have been hard for me to timestamp. not sure when i first encountered you but, your unique 'double-lens' was immediately brain-opening.

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Thanks, David.

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I lost my taste and smell when I had a bad case of Covid May/June 21’. My lilacs were just coming into bloom and I couldn’t smell them. Not even a little bit. I’ve never experienced that in my 59yrs (at that time) on the planet. Another really weird symptom was a line of bruises on my left shin. I’m guessing microclots? Did I hit my leg and not notice? Maybe? But then why did they take nearly a YEAR to go away? The last time I had the flu was H1N1 2009. This was far worse. But was also 12yrs older 🤷‍♀️

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That was very helpful. It's exactly the kind of testimony I need. If Dr. Yeadon's theory is correct, what is the mechanism that gives rise to the losses of taste and smell?

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Yes, I think The BI would be a good fit for me and Jeffrey wrote me a nice note after he read my book. We chat now and then. It won't happen this year but maybe next

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Another way to say it is "That's the fact, Jack!"

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Bigtree was not arguing from authority; that's what monumental idiot NDT said he was doing. He was saying that credible, expert voices were being called fringe and silenced. Making whatever consensus there was a forced, propagandized simulation of agreement. Those experts Bigtree (and I) admire look now like they got a few big things wrong. As you have. See Denis Rancourt's work on all cause mortality: Yeadon has and he is convinced, too. There was no novel pathogen. https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?id=107&name=2021_10_25_nature_of_the_covid_era_public_health_disaster_in_the_usa_from_all_cause_mortality_and_socio_geo_economic_and_climatic_data

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I was referring to when Del was listing their credentials one by one as he went down the line. That is unnecessary. He should be saying, "so and so showed us that x y and z which turned out to be true so so and so should be listened to, not shut down." He was saying, "He is from Stanford and he is the most highly published person and he is from ..." He is making an argument to allow people into the room, as he put it, because of their credentials. In other words he is saying they should be allowed to talk because who they are instead of what they actually said. He is too close to saying we should listen to them because of their credentials as if it would be ok to disallow someone who doesn't have any credentials (although , in fairness to him, he didn't say this). Credentials shouldn't have anything to do with it. Most of the people on that list were in favor of getting the vaccine and did themselves. even though you should NEVER take a vaccine about which the long term side effects are unknown. You said that I have gotten some big things wrong. What big things have I gotten wrong? In my book, I used a quote by Tedros of the WHO who said, "This is a novel pathogen and no one has immunity to it." I listed it in "43 Idiotic Quotes Surrounding the Pandemic" precisely because it couldn't be a novel pathogen if people had immunity to it already. It was known from the beginning that he was describing was a coronavirus. Yeadon doesn't think there ever was any pathogen. That they assigned all of the symptoms and deaths to something that doesn't and never did exist. I have a few things I want answered before I can go that far- asking people who lost their senses of taste and smell, for example if they are sure it was because of their infection. Please what big things did I get wrong. If I did, I need to stop telling people I was right on everything.

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Thanks for that link. I did something similar in my book and came up with ~140,000 deaths in the US from and with covid over 2020, 2021, and 2022. This figure includes the ~50,000 deaths caused by the 5 governors sending sick people back to nursing homes (estimated to be 27,000 in NY alone), and iatrogenic deaths caused by ill-advised ventilator use, remdesivir, and neglect; maybe , guessing, 25,000 here. I think there were only 75,000 with and from (at the most) which equals three mild flu seasons. His study is much more detailed. I will look it over. Thanks., Robert.

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