This is a very non-technical look at how and why the experts got virtually EVERY major call wrong on SARS-2 and Covid. It’s my take. I’d love to hear different ideas in the comments.
Remember, this is more than a year old. We hadn’t seen even the Delta variant yet. We had already reached herd immunity for the wild (original) type which no one seemed to notice, let alone recognize the significance of, due to Youtube taking down my videos and there’s no way they would have left gthis one up if I had posted it. So you’re getting to see this first here, now.
Everything I said here (back in May of 2021) is correct as far as the science surrounding SARS-2 and Covid-19 is concerned, as it has been in every video I’ve made. As far as I know, I’m the only person among those of us making videos of this kind, who has been right on every call since this fiasco began. The reason is because I think in principles and I prove everything I say during the particular video in which I introduce it. Putting those long basic science primers in my videos made them long and hard to watch for some people but the people who have followed me have heard and learned the actual truth. I’ve gone back and looked at all of my videos. They’ve all stood the test of time. It’s shocking even to me.
Finally, I will be loading a video a day of my discussions with Dr. Bhattacharya starting today. This is in anticipation of doing our final session next Saturday from Florida and then our live-stream Q&A which we’ve promised everyone, when I come back through California in a few weeks. I’ve been sick which has ‘set us back a little. The live stream will be from the campus of Stanford University and will probably start at 8 or 9 pm New York time so everyone in the world can tune in and ask a question. Being at Stanford should give me the opportunity to invite another expert or two which is an opportunity I shouldn’t pass up. I’ll discuss it with Jay.
Thank you for watching and please become a paid subscriber. I’m suffering from the old adage, “If you give away the milk, they won’t buy the cow.” Enjoy this non-technical look at the philosophies that are destroying our society and please share this. I need many, many more subscribers or I will have to switch to a “paid only” format. Remember, being a paid subscriber not only helps the world hear the truth about Covid and, soon to come, climate change idiocy, it also comes with nice perks like the occasional gift and access to me if you have a medical question. This could save you $200 in consultation fees (were you to go see a local doc) and lots of time. Thanks.
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