Looking forward to the 2nd edition. I wish every member of congress would read it. There needs to be a reckoning into what was done to the US and the world at large. The people behind it all need to be held accountable.

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You've been a big part of it Jack. A few of those late night discussions helped me put together my lines of reasoning.

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Thank you for the shout out sir. I am very much looking forward to reading your book.

I agree with you about the ‘76 swine flu being the test run. They figured out then that they had to work out some kinks:

1) the media had to be controlled so that their officials would never have to answer any questions or face criticism.

2) they had to protect themselves from any liability

Once that was done it was open season on the public

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You absolutely deserve it.

Those are both good points. Regarding number 2), laws werent written yet but the vax manufacturers managed to finagle blanket immunity for any liability coming out of the vaccines. The US government had to step in and compensate the victims. This is far from adequate as the government is worse than ins. companies when it comes to paying a claim. . Yes, they had to control the media. Today, Mike Wallace would not be allowed to do what he did on 60 minutes. The book contains a link to the 60 minutes episode in which all this occurs.

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Reid, As you know I gave away many copies of the first book for Christmas a year or two ago. Looking forward to the second. As far as shipping costs, Amazon Prime subscribers (which is many of us, certainly yours truly) pay no shipping...that is the primary point of Amazon Prime. But I would still want a signed hardcover copy...lol.

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Dr. You've been a great supporter. I just wish I could do more for you guys.

That's good to know about Amazon Prime saving holders of that service the shipping fee. The book will be bigger and heavier. Last time, I think it cost $5 per paperback to ship it from my house. This time, it will probably be $7. for shipping. Thanks again for everything. I think I have the best subscribers of any substack.

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Have it on my Amazon list but waiting for the next version

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Thanks, Donna. I think you'll enjoy it.

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Happy New Year Reid!

without being able to produce any evidence but, connecting the dots, i am absolutely convinced 'our' mil/intel complex was ultimately responsible for the 2020 election 'results'. heard from a really smart, connected, informed man that the Arizona voting machines were pinged from a remote source many thousands of time between Nov. and Feb. he is a bit of a programmer, and has top level programmer friends. none of them could figure out how it was done. that point for me is dot 3. dot 2, was when the DNI director stated publicly that they didn't have enough time to investigate election fraud in the 45 days they were allowed by Executive order via Trump. dot 1, was a post by Martin Armstrong in June of 2020, where he claimed his computer model was predicting the worse election corruption in U.S. history. he then stated he hoped the CIA would not be involved. Armstrong has been advising behind the curtain for 40 years. very aware of the true nature of government and it's chicanery.

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There are a lot of dots to connect but many are in parallel as opposed to in series, to use an electronics analogy. In a way, this makes it easier to get to the endpoint, however. Great points, Davi9id. It's important not to forget. Or it will happen again. Happy New Year friend.

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Very glad that you are making hard copies available through yourself, but I wish Amazon wasn't involved at all.

The 2009 swine flu "pandemic" was also a psyop. Remember this from the 2009 swine flu attempted genocide involving Baxter Labs? 


His full name is Moshe Bar-Joseph, and he is (or was) a plant virologist:


Also see:

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I will happily order a signed hard copy of your 2nd edition. It was great reading, still going back and rereading in the 1st edition. Historical facts I want to keep for the future when my kids look back what life was like pre covid and ask why did this happen? And great facts to challenge my kids former pediatrician with. I guy I’ve know and consider a friend for 27 years. Sorry to say he drank the kool aid and he’s not their Dr anymore. The past 3+ years has taught us all a lot of hard lessons which in many cases were very sad lessons. Things I wished I had known when my kids were babies. They would have never been injected with any of it.

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Did you explore welders flu in your book? Airports were the main inroads to bringing cv19 symptoms presenting folk, some straight to hospital.

I’ve a note you can look up from a few days ago.

Welders flu from fumes. Easy to release through air conditioning in departure lounges. They didn’t need a virus to induce flu symptoms.

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Recently purchased the 1st edition, and will also purchase the 2nd addition as well. A must have, detailed historical account to pass on to my kids as history is being erased on covid as fast as they can get away with it. I appreciate the very honest and hard work you put into writing this book. We need the guilty parties put on notice that we know where the bodies are buried. Thank You Sir!

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Amazon UK or US don’t have this new edition. Am I looking in the wrong place😎

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No Janice. It just hasn't come out yet. Please look again in another week. It will be there and I will make announcements on my substack. Please subscribe. It's free!

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