I like the way Amazon if monetizing the opposition and tracking their performance. They also have an up-to-date list of all the opposition with email and address so they can be gaslighted and censored when the next thing comes along. A shame that the monopolies have become so large that it is almost impossible to undo them.
The resistance should investigate alternatives and always have the books (or whatever) available from an alternative source that is more transparent and less snoopy than the worst of them. There should be alternative book distributors and possibly room for a new one that only stocks resistance literature that could be a big enough niche to let it compete a bit.
First-time commenter but long-time follower of your content. I bought your book and finished it yesterday. Well done sir. Quite a good job documenting this disaster and its timeline. And I for one, having read your posts early on, agree you nailed much, if not all ot the Covid bullshite, from day one. Kudos to your clear thinking and application of physical (hard) science reasoning to a life science (soft) topic. I am truly impressed.
A bit about me. Formally, I am a retired statistician but having worked in the forest products industry for over 31 years with a large integrated firm, my real-world experience has been in many areas, namely chemical and mechanical engineering, automation, open and closed-loop process control in the pulp and paper sector.
As for how I took an interest in your site? My wife and I were traveling in Thailand and Nepal in late Feb-early March 2020. We favor independent travel hence our visit, and I should tell you, like you, we have lived abroad in several countries, e.g. Costa Rica, Argentina, Ukraine, and Thailand and toured much of the world.
Highly skeptical of the narrative being rolled out back then, there was considerable fear being generated even in Nepal that we had a challenging time finding return flights from Kathmandu to Seattle. Everything was being cancelled. The level of fear and pandemonium was palpitating yet I had serious doubts about what was being fed us back then given what I little had read. Even my first-order, back-of-the-envelope calculatons I'd done in a Chiangrai hotel using the Diamond Princess data suggested the actions being taken just weren't commensurate with the risk. I too derived a much lower IFR. I couldn't grasp the hysteria then nor can I even today, almost three years later.
Of course, my wife thought I was clueless. Not being an "expert", she dismissed me. Her women friends follow Rachel Maddow, so she fund truth elsewhere. But my spouse treated me the same when I was skeptical about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and Collin Powell's pathetic brief to the UN. I knew we had no case but we still went to war. I should disclose that I used to be a reserve naval intelligence officer with top secret clearance. I knew what we knew and what we didn't, so it was relatively easy for me to reach this conclusion. Suffice it to say, after 15 years, once the decision was made to bomb Iraq, I resigned my commission, walking away from future retirement perks. To me, it was a matter of principle.
Forgive me, I digress. Upon returning to the US, having a background in mathematical statistics and experimental design, I then read the Pfizer paper they published in the medical journal in order to receive FDA's EUA. I was shocked by the very low bar height and absence of statistical rigor employed in drug/medical trials. I could complain about many things including the soft defintions of end-points, cnesoring of data, but you already have elucidated them.
In college, we, from the physical sciences, would always mock the lame scholarship conducted by those in the social sciences but when I read this paper (my very first from your community), suffice it to say, I walked away very disappointed and sadly unimpressed. It's much harder to peddle this kind of scholarship in the physical sciences. I think you know that given your physics background.
Now I understand why we as a nation, are over-diagnosed, over-fed, over-drugged, over-weight, under-nurished and under-active and below-average when it comes to critical thinking. We perpetuate a sickcare system, not healthcare. It's all about treatment and nothing about prevention. Every solution is to either cut me or drug me. There is no sincere attempt to mitigate the cause, just the symptoms. There is little money to be made with prevention. What a perverse system? And the endless propaganda to consume things we don't need with money we don't have is utterly beyond comprehension but lies at the root of how as a nation, we are dumb and getting dumber.
I want to thank you for lending clarity and good thinking to this subject. So much for consensus thinking. One should take no comfort believing that because their position is supported by the overwhelming majority, viz. the consensus, it must be right. It is a logical fallacy. Keep up the good fight. When all the folks in the room are thinking the same, then no one is thinking.
Thanks, David. That was a great synopsis. You explained how easy it was for the masses to be taken in by the organizers of this enormous fraud. It's very true what you said about the physical sciences being more quantitative and so, less vulnerable to blatent manupilation. This is what I used to prove my points over and over. Proving means being certain you're right in having covered all possibilities, as you know, and I was on to them from February when I heard about. My first proof of the lab origin used a line of reasoning in thermodynamics we used. You would find it interesting but very simple. When looking at gas in a box, we can't do Newtonian mechanics on every molecule. It's too complicated. So we have to do things statistically. When I applied this to the lab origin, it came out something like 10 exp -114 to one that it came from the lab. It's even more powerful than the genetic sequence arguments. This is where Bill Gates failed so miserably. and why it must be so embarrassing for him now. He's no dummy, mathematically. It just proves he did it for the money. He really did put his bank account ahead of the lives of millions of people, including small children.
Please do me a favor and type up something nice as a review on Amazon. I only have 4 so far. Thankfully, they are all 5 star ratings but I need more to interest people in getting this book. We must keep the criminals' names in the public consciousness. Thank you, David.
Thanks Reid. I will write a good review at Amazon since I purchased through them so will be a verified purchaser, not a bot. As an aside, we spent a month touring Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar while living in Chiangrai, Thailand. Our identical twin sons, who we adopted many years ago, are of Cambodian descent. If we return to SE Asia, we should meet up in Phnom Pehn for coffee and/or beer, whatever your poison.
OK Reid. I just submitted amy review on Amazon. Being review, may take a few days for them to post. Can email you what I wrote (if you wish) to see if they change anything.
Dr. Sheftall, I just received your book and am just starting. But you have left out the biggest and best investigator of data of all : Ethical Skeptic. He deserves a mention if not an entire page - can you do an addendum? theethicalskeptic.com
That's an oversight on my part. Somehow, I missed him entirely. No one ever mentioned him to me during the entire 2 3/4 years. This is the first I've heard of him. I keep an updated version of the book at all times. for future printings I will read his posts and definitely put him in for future printings.
I was worried that this would happen as there are thousands of substzckers, FB posters, etc I did better on the video posters since their knowledge or lack thereof is glaringly obvious and it was easy to eliminate people who didn't know what the major histocompatibility complex was, for example. The people who wrote as opposed to those who made videos were much harder to uncover, and Ethical Skeptic appears to be one of them. I need to give him a good read and insert him in just the right place. I could have missed him because it appears he writes on many topics, and I was trying to focus on people who concentrated on COVID-19. Thank you for the suggestion. It appears I will be putting him in the "live version" for future printings..
I've just read several of his pieces. I agree. He's a real intellect. I think the reason he was missed is that he writes on many, many different topics. This is a plus, not a minus. He's in and I will probably expand his presense as I learn more. Thank you for bringing him to my attention.
Yeah, Matt. Sometimes they won't publish reviews unless people bought the book from them. They do this to make sure authors don't write their own reviews, I think. I appreciate your efforts very much.
Thank you Duchess! Just to follow up with you about Ethical Skeptic. I looked at his stuff. He's very smarl and fair. I can't believe I didn't come across him before. I have inserted him in several places in the book. He's very deserving of it. He is high in all of them and even tied for first in a very prestigious list. Thank you for bringing him to my attention.
I like the way Amazon if monetizing the opposition and tracking their performance. They also have an up-to-date list of all the opposition with email and address so they can be gaslighted and censored when the next thing comes along. A shame that the monopolies have become so large that it is almost impossible to undo them.
The resistance should investigate alternatives and always have the books (or whatever) available from an alternative source that is more transparent and less snoopy than the worst of them. There should be alternative book distributors and possibly room for a new one that only stocks resistance literature that could be a big enough niche to let it compete a bit.
Glad that your book is doing well.
Thanks, Kalle. The alternate source for mine is heroesandvillainsbooks.com .
contact form there!
He is on twitter a lot under his own name.
Sorry , only just saw this...
On that website the "Invite Brett to speak " tab should draw his attention!
Contact Brett Weinstein on Dark horse podcasts. He maybe interested in interviewing him. I hope that you mentioned him in you book! As a hero!
Thanks, John. Yes. Brett is in the book. How can I contact him? All the emails I've sent have been returned for wrong email address.
Interviewing you....
Hello Reid.
First-time commenter but long-time follower of your content. I bought your book and finished it yesterday. Well done sir. Quite a good job documenting this disaster and its timeline. And I for one, having read your posts early on, agree you nailed much, if not all ot the Covid bullshite, from day one. Kudos to your clear thinking and application of physical (hard) science reasoning to a life science (soft) topic. I am truly impressed.
A bit about me. Formally, I am a retired statistician but having worked in the forest products industry for over 31 years with a large integrated firm, my real-world experience has been in many areas, namely chemical and mechanical engineering, automation, open and closed-loop process control in the pulp and paper sector.
As for how I took an interest in your site? My wife and I were traveling in Thailand and Nepal in late Feb-early March 2020. We favor independent travel hence our visit, and I should tell you, like you, we have lived abroad in several countries, e.g. Costa Rica, Argentina, Ukraine, and Thailand and toured much of the world.
Highly skeptical of the narrative being rolled out back then, there was considerable fear being generated even in Nepal that we had a challenging time finding return flights from Kathmandu to Seattle. Everything was being cancelled. The level of fear and pandemonium was palpitating yet I had serious doubts about what was being fed us back then given what I little had read. Even my first-order, back-of-the-envelope calculatons I'd done in a Chiangrai hotel using the Diamond Princess data suggested the actions being taken just weren't commensurate with the risk. I too derived a much lower IFR. I couldn't grasp the hysteria then nor can I even today, almost three years later.
Of course, my wife thought I was clueless. Not being an "expert", she dismissed me. Her women friends follow Rachel Maddow, so she fund truth elsewhere. But my spouse treated me the same when I was skeptical about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and Collin Powell's pathetic brief to the UN. I knew we had no case but we still went to war. I should disclose that I used to be a reserve naval intelligence officer with top secret clearance. I knew what we knew and what we didn't, so it was relatively easy for me to reach this conclusion. Suffice it to say, after 15 years, once the decision was made to bomb Iraq, I resigned my commission, walking away from future retirement perks. To me, it was a matter of principle.
Forgive me, I digress. Upon returning to the US, having a background in mathematical statistics and experimental design, I then read the Pfizer paper they published in the medical journal in order to receive FDA's EUA. I was shocked by the very low bar height and absence of statistical rigor employed in drug/medical trials. I could complain about many things including the soft defintions of end-points, cnesoring of data, but you already have elucidated them.
In college, we, from the physical sciences, would always mock the lame scholarship conducted by those in the social sciences but when I read this paper (my very first from your community), suffice it to say, I walked away very disappointed and sadly unimpressed. It's much harder to peddle this kind of scholarship in the physical sciences. I think you know that given your physics background.
Now I understand why we as a nation, are over-diagnosed, over-fed, over-drugged, over-weight, under-nurished and under-active and below-average when it comes to critical thinking. We perpetuate a sickcare system, not healthcare. It's all about treatment and nothing about prevention. Every solution is to either cut me or drug me. There is no sincere attempt to mitigate the cause, just the symptoms. There is little money to be made with prevention. What a perverse system? And the endless propaganda to consume things we don't need with money we don't have is utterly beyond comprehension but lies at the root of how as a nation, we are dumb and getting dumber.
I want to thank you for lending clarity and good thinking to this subject. So much for consensus thinking. One should take no comfort believing that because their position is supported by the overwhelming majority, viz. the consensus, it must be right. It is a logical fallacy. Keep up the good fight. When all the folks in the room are thinking the same, then no one is thinking.
Dave Lee
Thanks, David. That was a great synopsis. You explained how easy it was for the masses to be taken in by the organizers of this enormous fraud. It's very true what you said about the physical sciences being more quantitative and so, less vulnerable to blatent manupilation. This is what I used to prove my points over and over. Proving means being certain you're right in having covered all possibilities, as you know, and I was on to them from February when I heard about. My first proof of the lab origin used a line of reasoning in thermodynamics we used. You would find it interesting but very simple. When looking at gas in a box, we can't do Newtonian mechanics on every molecule. It's too complicated. So we have to do things statistically. When I applied this to the lab origin, it came out something like 10 exp -114 to one that it came from the lab. It's even more powerful than the genetic sequence arguments. This is where Bill Gates failed so miserably. and why it must be so embarrassing for him now. He's no dummy, mathematically. It just proves he did it for the money. He really did put his bank account ahead of the lives of millions of people, including small children.
Please do me a favor and type up something nice as a review on Amazon. I only have 4 so far. Thankfully, they are all 5 star ratings but I need more to interest people in getting this book. We must keep the criminals' names in the public consciousness. Thank you, David.
Thanks Reid. I will write a good review at Amazon since I purchased through them so will be a verified purchaser, not a bot. As an aside, we spent a month touring Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar while living in Chiangrai, Thailand. Our identical twin sons, who we adopted many years ago, are of Cambodian descent. If we return to SE Asia, we should meet up in Phnom Pehn for coffee and/or beer, whatever your poison.
Absolutely, David. I'd love to meet you. Any plans to come over in the near future?
We've been grounded since Nepal in 2020. Perhaps sometime in 2023. Will advise if things come to fruition.
OK Reid. I just submitted amy review on Amazon. Being review, may take a few days for them to post. Can email you what I wrote (if you wish) to see if they change anything.
Dr. Sheftall, I just received your book and am just starting. But you have left out the biggest and best investigator of data of all : Ethical Skeptic. He deserves a mention if not an entire page - can you do an addendum? theethicalskeptic.com
That's an oversight on my part. Somehow, I missed him entirely. No one ever mentioned him to me during the entire 2 3/4 years. This is the first I've heard of him. I keep an updated version of the book at all times. for future printings I will read his posts and definitely put him in for future printings.
I was worried that this would happen as there are thousands of substzckers, FB posters, etc I did better on the video posters since their knowledge or lack thereof is glaringly obvious and it was easy to eliminate people who didn't know what the major histocompatibility complex was, for example. The people who wrote as opposed to those who made videos were much harder to uncover, and Ethical Skeptic appears to be one of them. I need to give him a good read and insert him in just the right place. I could have missed him because it appears he writes on many topics, and I was trying to focus on people who concentrated on COVID-19. Thank you for the suggestion. It appears I will be putting him in the "live version" for future printings..
I've just read several of his pieces. I agree. He's a real intellect. I think the reason he was missed is that he writes on many, many different topics. This is a plus, not a minus. He's in and I will probably expand his presense as I learn more. Thank you for bringing him to my attention.
I left a review on Amazon, but they have yet to publish that review. I suppose because I purchased directly from you Dr.
Yeah, Matt. Sometimes they won't publish reviews unless people bought the book from them. They do this to make sure authors don't write their own reviews, I think. I appreciate your efforts very much.
Done. Ordered.
Thank you Duchess! Just to follow up with you about Ethical Skeptic. I looked at his stuff. He's very smarl and fair. I can't believe I didn't come across him before. I have inserted him in several places in the book. He's very deserving of it. He is high in all of them and even tied for first in a very prestigious list. Thank you for bringing him to my attention.
i can't find the link to Ivor.
Here you go, David: https://twitter.com/FatEmperor/status/1587790747251744768?s=20&t=mYwguv1hwbBvrsMA58CmZg
It's above. Here too: