Where do I find out first where Gates is investing? I missed out on farmland. Does he follow or lead N. Pelosi?

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That is a great comment, I am biased though. Great job adding some more flesh to my short amateur stab at translating virology into layman's terms. Thanks for the help.

Original article here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/lab-leak-zoonotic-spillover-or-deliberate

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If this virus was designed to be bad, how was it tested that it transmits from person to person? How was it tested to cause mortality and morbidity? Why then it caused nothing on the Diamond Princess cruise ship except mild common cold.

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I don't understand what you're asking. You wrote, "how was it tested that it transmits from person to person?" then, "How was it tested to cause mortality and morbidity?" Then you asked, "Why then it caused nothing on the Diamond Princess cruise ship except mild common cold." which is not true. Seven people died before everyone disembarked from the ship. Are you asking how the Japanese people tested the passengers on the ship? They used the RT-PCR and sequencing in some cases. Please reformulate your question if you want some different kind of answer.

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It wasn't designed to be bad. It wasn't designed to be released as a viable virus or bioweapon or anything else, so it was never tested. It didn't need to be. All they had to do was write some genetic information, say it was a "novel" virus, and then assign symptoms to it that would make it look ubiquitous. To this day no one has listed a single symptom of "covid" that isn't shared with the common cold, the flu, or seasonal allergies. That way everyone in the world either thinks he has it, has had it, will get it, or knows someone who has/had/will have it. Combine that with the criminal misuse of PCR and outright lies and voila: the appearance of a new virus roaming the globe. But it never really existed and no one has been infected by it, including on the cruise ship.

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You do not understand virology. What you wrote is simply not feasible.

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Well, then why don't you explain to me the virology involved? Instead of just gainsaying what I wrote, why don't you produce a virological fact to rebut one of my points? It caused nothing but cold symptoms on the cruise ship because that's all those people had. "Covid" was fake. It was a scam and a psyop. That's far more feasible than the idea that someone was able to create a brand-new coronavirus that could sicken billions by evading existing cross-reactive immunity conferred by existing coronaviruses; that they released it into the wild; that they did that even though the odds were excellent that it would fizzle out and do nothing; and that Bill Gates just coincidentally had invested in the company that got the gig for making the "vaccine" for it.

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It is impossible to predict the behavior (phenotype) from the change of the viral sequence (genotype). Please note these two facts

1. After more than 100 years of studies, we do not know the function of the flu virus genes.

2. If someone would like to test all the possible combinations of the sequence of the Wuhan virus' spike gene. Combinations to test would be 4 to the power of 3,000. Can you compute that?

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Can you compute that the unpredictability is why they didn't release a real virus? That the whole thing was a psyop because a real virus is completely impossible to control and predict?

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My take is that the Chinese were publishing scary stories about the virus killing people in their prime to sell tests and stuff to the West ruining our economies. At some point Moderna and Pfizer smelled big money and started on the path to sell snake oil.

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I don't think that a deliberate release should be conflated with the idea that anyone was infected with a real, viable virus/bioweapon. I mean, what would be the mechanism for that? How would that even work? You get a Chinese lab worker to go lick the turnstiles in the bus station? Why would anyone--like investors--assume that a created or manipulated virus would spread, instead of fizzling out? There are zero guarantees in that scenario. I'd definitely buy that the manipulated genetic profile of what they *called* SARS 2.0 was released, but it was "released" in the sense of "issued to subscribers." There was no accidentally-escaped virus running rampant around the globe. They *issued* the manipulated, created genetic information for what they wanted people to panic about and wanted "scientists" and "researchers" to write a gazillion papers about.

To this day no one has listed a single symptom of this alleged virus that isn't shared with the common cold, flu, and allergies. There's a reason for that: Everyone in the world either has those symptoms at some time, will get them, or knows someone who has them or will get them. Combine that with the criminal misuse of PCR and voila: a "pandemic." But nothing was released for the purpose of infecting people. Something was released *on paper* for the purpose of scamming them, testing their willingness to comply, obey, and submit, and for making Bill Gates, et al, even richer.

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My understanding is that to this day there really is no proof that viruses exist outside theoretical knowledge. Sucharit Bhakdi has said that what people are calling "viruses" are really waste products from your bodies cellular activities OR the waste products of an actual bacteria. Peter Duesberg wrote a book proving that there was no AIDS virus either and in that debacle...over 6OO,OOO people died from the remedy which was devised to "cure" the fake "virus"---AZT ---- is one of the most toxic substances known to man. Dr. Duesberg took a lot of flack for speaking out and much of his support base was pulled from him. In other words, he got kicked upstairs and got no more grants or graduate assistants. It's a great book and he wrote it as a warning for exactly what happened during "covid"...there was no "covid"....it was a lead up to the toxic and possibly lethal injection that was meant to "cull the heard" and make the rest more malleable. .

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I keep reading that and finding increasing numbers of credible authors maintaining that viruses don't exist. At this point I'm not quite willing to come down on one side of the argument or the other. Before 2020 I was a huge proponent of vaccines, though (to the extent that I thought about them at all), but I was lied to so completely about them--reporting RRR without ARR when discussing efficacy is such a deliberate, malicious deception--that I'm now open to skepticism on the existence of viruses, too. And I keep in mind Mike Yeadon's observation that there's nothing easier to fake than microbiology.

Also, I recently searched for "can molecules be seen in a microscope?" because I assumed that they could be. My debate with an online stranger was going to include asking why, if scientists can see molecules, no one's ever produced a definitive photo of a virion. Well. It turns out that no, they can't visualize molecules, or at least have started doing so only recently, and only with pretty big molecules. Chemistry Hall has a photo of what they say is a molecule photographed with atomic force microscopy, but it's a very new technique. So when they talk about bonds and electron clouds and all the rest, is that based on anything real, vs. being just the language that they all agreed on to explain real phenomena? Then there's John Ioannidis' discovery that most published research findings are false; my knowing how PCR was deliberately labeled a "test" when it's nothing of the sort; and all the covid "research" papers that flooded the market discussing findings about something that doesn't even exist. Add it all up and it spells bullshit.

Maybe I've committed a baby/bathwater fallacy here, but The Science™ lies a lot, so when it says "viruses exist" but can't point to one, I'm not taking its word for that.

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These doctors explain a lot about "vaccines" and viruses--you can find them online

About Dr. Mark Bailey - Dr. Sam Bailey

Mark is the husband of Dr Sam Bailey and when you see one of them, you are really seeing both of them. They started working together when they first met in 2007 and have been a close team ever since. Mark and Sam are based in New Zealand and have three children together.

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Amazing information. I guess I had heard that the "vaccines" weren't just toxic but would be used to achieve "mind control"....This article explains a bit of the "how" this would be achieved.

So one goal was genocide by direct injury and the other was "mind control"...Thanks...I am sure is a lot more out there to explain the methods and the functions of these criminal and horrifying bioweapons...rolled out to fight a nonexistent "virus"....or one that was so benign that no one died as indicated by the research for Denis Rancourt. I need to go out and vent steam. This has made me upset.

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So..The basic question is: How do we educate the Politicians in DC to STOP this push to create RNA injections. How do we stop this continued push to inject all humans with unsafe RNA cell alerting virus like coding that changes the blueprint of life? The FDA is endorsing the continued injection of RNA via EUA authority that should have ended. Clearly, the science has been evolving for decades and the warning signs have been ignored and the great harm caused is being ignored or rationalized. National Geographic in 2017 ran an article entitled "The Next Human" the dangers ignored by the medicine man. We are all aboard a runaway medical freight train.

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All the information is there....the damn politicians are feeding at the PHARMA trough. They are getting a lot more money from the drug companies than from their salaries. Most of the major magazines such as NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and others are run by the criminal elite and used as mouthpieces to further their agenda of depopulation and crowd control. These publications have been owned for decades.

Start with yourself. Be responsible for your own health and just say "no" -- make better dietary choices and exercise.

You can always bribe the "vaccinators" to squirt your shot on the floor instead of in your arm....A lot of them need the cash.

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when can i get a copy? i found out yesterday that David Martin will be here on March 23. dave

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Mar 10
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If they wanted the drugstore tests to say it was monkeypox, it would have said you had monkeypox. Those drugstore tests aren't tests any more than sea monkeys are trainable pets. They manipulated and created genetic sequences in vitro or in silico using genomic segments patented years ago, but they didn't release a real virus and a real virus didn't escape. Even if, against all odds, an actual virus had been released, deliberately or not, and had spread around the globe infecting people, nearly everyone was already immune via cross-reactivity through contact with the 4-5 other coronaviruses that cause common colds. With each variant, the virus would have grown more contagious but less dangerous.

When I was 42 I was happily running 50 miles/week and still got the flu. It was the sickest I've ever been. I spent a week alternately lying down and barfing and it was another two weeks before I could drive more than five miles without stopping for a nap. When it comes to health, past results are no guarantee of future performance.

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Mar 12
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There was no real "covid" virus to begin with. The whole thing was faked. All of it, including the "variants." Viruses mutate into less pathological and more contagious forms because otherwise they'd kill off their hosts. So if there had been a real virus, every subsequent mutation would have been even less of a thing than the original.

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I don’t think we know why some people get super sick from viruses ( and we don’t know a lot about whatever viruses are either). I have seen a few people get laid out by influenza too. I’m not convinced Ivermectin works for Covid without an antibiotic like doxycycline or Zithromax token too. My first Covid was Omicron in Feb 2022; it wasn’t too bad. I got Covid again right after Christmas; on Day 2 of my symptoms I took IVM plus Zithromax, and the supplements like you take. I was kind of shocked at how good I felt with 3 days of this regimen. I was still somewhat congested but otherwise felt pretty good. The other thing I did was rinse my sinuses twice a day with a water + xylitol.

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