Thanks for sharing, Reid.

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You're welcome, Norman. I like all three of these guys so much. They are all three very different but great. I hope you have been able to watch some of my interviews- more like discussions, really- with Jay Bhattacharya. Six hours already and we're not even half way there. We're doing Part 3 tomorrow. Look for some actual debate this time. We both enjoy it when there is some disagreement and even when we agree and are dumbfounded as to why people in charge missed so much of it.

Martin Kulldorf is very smart-actually all threed of them are- and I like his dry sense of humor, don't you? Very Swedish.

Scott Atlas is a rock and I admire him greatly . Icould not believe the invective directed toward him by the MSM in just about every interview he did when working for Trump. I want to read his book. He said Birx and Fauci never cared about the data as it came in and Birx skipped out on meetings because she didn't like the people who were coming to discuss policy. I'm going to show Jay some of her quotes in Part 3 or Part 4. Did you see Atlas when he was interviewed by Erin Burnett on her CNN show.? She kept complaining that he wasn't qualified to advise the President because he was a neuro-radiologist with only 10 years of experience working on public health policy at the Hoover Institution- a political science major arguing from authority over Scott Atlas, M.D.. Just incredible.

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