Reid, Love Sheftall's Razor. Will use it (with attribution) regularly!

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Thanks. It needs to be out there to thwart the calls for amnesty

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It was all malicious. Hard for normal people to imagine. Malevolence.

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Do you take Klaus Schwab

As your loving dictator

Do you take the UN

As your trusting tyrant

Speak now or forever hold your tongue

Won't that be fun

Greater online censorship

Here we come

It's about time we bring the discussion

Out of our digital playpen

And make the world

Real again

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Yes, make the world real again. Perhaps by speaking one's mind when physically present in a group of peers. Productive results will depend on the circumstances and how one expresses ideas contrary to the narrative. Intuition may help with timing. There are psychological techniques to break the ice with people who have undergone mass formation. Those who have psychological illness from participating in this plandemic will need help coming to terms with their incorrect beliefs and prior actions that hurt or caused the death of their fellow man. I'm currently looking for resources on this topic if anyone has suggestions... Just finishing up a book titled Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski. We should have another neuremburg, but how can we guard against this from recurring in the future?

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W guard against this happening in the future by prosecuting the ones who engineered this one. It's the only way. It's clearly spelled out in the preface to my book (you might be able to read it free in the "read sample" section): https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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How so very many of our colleagues in medicine posed in front of the cameras and rolled up their sleeves to receive a basically untested vaccine time after time was absolutely mind blowing. And even before that, these same docile colleagues just went along with the idiocy of being denied the ability to prescribe safe old medicines in early stage COVID. What did they learn in their training? “Evidence based medicine” was the mantra we were taught. Riiiiggghhhttt. On one hand we couldn’t prescribe hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin because there were no RCT’s for COVID and then the very next week they were mandating vaccination with a dangerously unproven experimental medication with impunity. How did we allow this to happen? Will our colleagues face any accountability or consequences for their malpractice? Was it stupidity or malice on the part of these plebeian practitioners? I’m just not sure. Does fear make you one or the other?

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It boggles the mind, Leila.

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There was a time when you couldn't call your doctor with a headache and have him prescribe aspirin over the phone. It might be just a stress headache, but it might be an incipient aneurism. It might be meningitis. It would be unethical for him to diagnose you without an in-office examination. Then people lost their minds over a cold and suddenly an experimental injection made with a technology that killed all the ferrets got a blanket endorsement. No need to run people through an in-office exam. Just line 'em up in that parking lot over there.

It seems like most of the people here are doctors, and I'm new so I should probably self-edit, but as a layman I was *amazed* by the widespread cowardice of doctors and nurses. But then, the cowardice of my co-workers amazed me, too. Before I retired I was an airline pilot, and good luck finding a pilot who doesn't fancy himself an independent-minded iconoclast. They couldn't slap on the face diapers fast enough.

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For some reason Dr Sheftall , the little video doesn't work for me , but then again at my age ,many things don't . You made a shout out to Conspiracy Sarah - someone I greatly admire and trust - but I'm not sure what you are referring to in this post ; it's probably right in front of me but ... ? Thank you for all your remarkable work on so many fronts as the world turns.

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Oh gosh, it's not working? It works on mine. You click the play symbol and it takes you to another page and when you click it there, it plays. Anyone else having trouble?

It's a shout out to Sarah who asked me for some pictures when I told her I acted in a movie called "Pandemic" some years ago. Let her know if you talk to her. She hasn't seen it yet. Thanks, Linelle!

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Many thanks, Linelle.

The feeling is mutual ♥️

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I see where CJ Hopkins gave you a fabulous endorsement - Just love anything that guy writes and i agree with him point people in your direction. What a life force you have Sarah with all your responsibilities . In our lovely parliament the other day with good old Zelensky , the whole place erupted in applause for a Nazi war criminal who was in the house . Gotta go buy me a brown shirt soon ; I'll fill the seams with banned supplements. I'm thinking Hitler hasn't left the building .

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CJ Hopkins gave me an endorsement??? If so, I didn't see that either 🙈

I've had a busy few weeks between work and kiddos...it's been a lot of time in the car and I've obviously not kept up. Could you share a link if it's not too much trouble.

And thank you again, Linelle...as I've said before, I am humbled and honored when someone chooses to spend their time reading something that I've written.

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Just emailed you ...

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Of course they're not stupid. They're not as smart as they think they are, but they aren't explained by stupidity. They're explained by evil. The complicit are explained by a total lack of integrity.

I majored in English because it was the only thing that didn't require a class in statistics, which I'd have failed. Repeatedly. Even so, in January, 2020 I could still use the supercomputer in my pocket to find the facts. I found the Wikipedia article that listed coronaviruses (and RSV) as some of the many viruses that cause cold symptoms. I found the studies dating back to at least 1984 that said masking is worthless against viruses, and discovered that surgeons mask to protect themselves from incoming material, not to protect patients from viruses. If it's to protect patients, then why do MEs mask during autopsies? (One study even suggested that if hospitals really wanted to cut back on post-op infections their OR teams should operate naked, to reduce the shedding of skin cells.) It was obvious in short order that everything coming from the "experts" was horse crap, planned, and part of a much larger agenda. The point is, if I could figure out the con, almost everyone else should have been able to figure it out, too. A lot of them want to be ruled, though, and others are lining up to rule them.

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Fager, I created that razor because the one that says the opposite has been adopted. Mine is more true , no question.

YOU will not be conned but many medical doctors are, still. Well done.!

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That little cardiac patient is precious....was that recent?

Hoping to hear that sweet baby has fewer tubes today, and is on the mend, doc.

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Oh yes , she's fine now. Total anomalous pulmonary venous return now corrected. Couldn't get out of bed before because not getting any oxygen to her skeletal muscles; now playing soccer with her classmates. Did you see the second burn reconstruction with the forearm island flap based on the radial artery and vein?

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Dr. Sheftall, could you please add the names in this stack by Dr. Meryl Nass to the list of Heroes and Villains? I have asked her if she could find the names of the NIH "committee" of experts who recommended Remdesivir and denied Ivermectin as standard of care....and we have a list of names of those at CDC/FDA who ignored all the pharmocovigilance data...https://open.substack.com/pub/merylnass/p/pharmacovigilance-and-biostatistics?r=94r9t&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Hi Duchess. As you may know, I am in the middle of doing a revision to "Heroes and Villains:..." . The newest version will contain exactly what you are requesting and please, as soon as Dr. Nass provides you with the "remdesivir in/ivermectin, HCQ out" list, get it to me asap. It must be included. Thank you!

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Absolutely I will and thank you for doing this..

Appreciate your list more and more as the days go by and the amount of

villains is revealed.

More than you know.

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Thank you, Duchess. The new edition is going to have 200 more names including some very heavy hitters and 200 fewer typos.

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I only just recently heard of "Hanlon’s razor" and my thought about it was the same as Reid's. From where is Hanlon getting his presupposition that the intent is unlikely to be malice? I think this entire COVID debacle proves him to be utterly wrong! Just do a little research into the backgrounds and positions of those who actually run (and own most of) the world! The vast majority of those involved with the WEF, UN, WHO, the major Foundations, Bilderberg, the Bank of International Settlements, etc., etc., and the likes of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, King Charles, and all their cronies, are just downright EVIL! They are hell-bent on enslaving and destroying humanity, and those they don't democide/exterminate will be brain-chipped and drugged into their Transhuman Hell!

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Hi Faith, does humanity not have the power to avert such a doomsday scenario? We have equally powerful abilities to envision and create a future contrary to your illustration of the psychopath's transhuman hell. Anal-Schwab and all the others reaching for godlike powers through centralized technology wil get burned.

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No one rules if no one obeys.

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