Dec 24, 2023Liked by Reid G Sheftall, M.D.

Reid, Way to let it all hang out! Well done piece. And Merry Christmas to you and yours! Perhaps 2024 will be better...it will surely be interesting irrespective.

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Dec 24, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023

Thank you for this Dr. Sheftall, you put it so well. Why didn't anyone mention those ultra violet things you put up near the a/c /heating vents and openining windows for supermarkets and schools??? Why didn't they mention HCQ and Vitamin D (especially after the INdonesian study came out in May 2020 I think? After July 2020 why didn't they mention IVM? Why didn't they mention sunlight kills it ?

And you know best why the hell didn't they realize it had been circulating as non a non b flu since October? I know why the powers that b didn't....but why didn't more of these experts speak out or see the studies I saw? And why didn't (and most still dont) acknowledge muscosal immunity?

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Some day I want to write about shepherding family and friends through doc visits to ER , and the mind boggling ignorance and stupidity I've witnessed . I've gone toe to toe with the best , and I am horrified by their hubris , arrogance , and God complexes hundreds of times.

Yes , dear I can read . In fact better than most.

Hyperlexic , read on college level in second grade, with an intense focus on science and language.

Hearing the admonition by " authority " NOT to do your own research , was a giant hint of malfeasance. As a vax injured adult with a twice vax injured only child , NEVER REPORTED , my wake up was in 1998 when my child , who developed so rapidly they had to draw another line to chart his progress , became a screaming (encephalitis) , darting , ducking shadow of his former joyful self.

It's always been a scam . They've done it before ( killed people deliberately for money)

I am strangely grateful for the injured doctors , nurses , and others who NOW KNOW .

Perhaps the others will listen NOW.

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Just wondering Dr Sheftall , if the old chestnut from my many years as a nurse is still true : You can't vaccinate your way out of a pandemic . Glad to see you on Sage and wonder about your JJ thinking points as well.

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Hello Dr. Sheftall;

I bought your book and will read it after Xmas.

About a year or so ago, the late leading European pathologist Arne Burkhardt gave a slide presentation that illustrated your statements. This was very clear even to a non- physician like myself.

Sincerely, K

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I'm wondering if those doctors did so poorly because they went to medical school. The instructors at my school put up the occasional sop to critical thinking while emphasizing obedience to protocols and established authorities.

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Hi Dr. Sheftall, thank you for this, and everything else you have done. I would be curious on your take on Dr. Jay Bhattacharya seeing as you talked to him at length in your interviews with him, and did anything Sage wrote change your opinion?

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Thank you Dr Sheftall for all you do. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Who knows what 2024 has got in store for us all - but knowing there are good people like yourself out there, fighting the good fight, makes me feel better 🥰

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American Medical Doctors

Are So Intellectually Limited

That It Almost Seems Cruel

To Mercilessly Mock Them.



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So strange to me. All this uproar over masks that are proven detrimental to physical health as well as psychological health, when the conjured up need for them is as fake as a pink flying unicorn. If this is untrue prove to me the existence of this unicorn or COVID-19. If you can't prove the existence of this virus, the BS about needing masks, distancing, testing, and vaccines, becomes a moot point. Prove something exists before you buy a pink saddle and bridal, it just may not be needed if you can't find the unicorn to begin with.

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thank you Dr. Reid. you have reminded me why i felt i might be insane for close to 2 years. actually, i'm still extremely baffled by the engineered ignorance that dominates millions of americans to this day. i asked an elderly woman yesterday what percentage of 'covid-infected' individuals died. her answer: 10%. i asked her what test was used to confirm her infection. blank stare. a year and a half ago, i asked an ER nurse a couple questions. (she was working overtime due to covid destruction) she had no idea of the PCR problems. (actually she couldn't name the test that was being used) then, she mocked 'horse paste. bemoaning the lack of a massive lockdown that would have saved us. kooky days. dave

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The problem facing us today is that so many people are unable to think critically. As a result, they are forced to believe someone rather than know the facts. For us in the science fields that isn't how we think. Evidence drives what we know and when questioned we can explain why it is a fact and prevail in any honest debate.

That is why debates are not allowed (Fact checkers don't allow comments). It is theater performed for 'believers' and whoever gets the most 'flair' and promotion by major 'news' sources will win in their minds.

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Dr Reid, I tried to like your comment on Sages stack. I was not able to do so. I’ll try again later. Thanks for pointing it out and as always, thanks for your work

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Bhattacharya doesn’t belong on such a list. At great personal sacrifice, he’s at the forefront of the urgent battle for free speech. He’s a hero, and you needn’t agree with every point, that’s the point of open inquiry. Go read his lawsuit, Missouri v. Biden, and pray that this one wins at the Supreme Court. We’ll be lucky to retain any rights whatsoever if it loses. If it’s illegal to argue and discuss, we’re lost.

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deletedDec 25, 2023Liked by Reid G Sheftall, M.D.
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