This is a bit off topic so forgive me in advance. Donald Trump is now a martyr with that jail picture. Little wonder blacks were cheating him on when he left the jail. I think they realize this happened to Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King- just saying what the official government didn’t want to hear, I should also throw in Bobbie Kennedy. Looking forward to our next “truth speaks” with card counting and taking on fake weather. Down with biolabs( I think the real reason Russia took on Ukraine)and let’s tackle geoengineering where our sky has been with chemicals- at least Mexico was smart enough to outlaw same.

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Some climate reasoning will be arriving in your inbox this evening.

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Oh goody...text based I hope?

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Yes, text-based with a few necessary equations. It's up already.

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I adore you Dr. Reid Sheftall, but I have to draw the line somwhere.

You do know that hell is WORD PROBLEMS, right?

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Haha. My little tip: Immediately convert them into equations.

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That is just more torture!!!

I will have to be sedated and anesthitized......

I adore that there are people like you in the world whose brains work like this....

but I am going right now to look for some garlic and a crucifix!! :-)

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Haha. Send me a word problem and I'll convert it to an equation for you right here. I'm sure there are a lot of people who have a similar aversion to word problems.

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BAM! WOOSH! Holy Bat Justice!

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