Reid, Thanks for doing this... It is so important. I have a strong supply from a FMG friend who has an affiliation with a manufacturer in Mumbai and have been sharing the contact with people in my circle... Fortunately, you circle is tremendously wider than mine. Perhaps we have begun the slow turning away from insanity. Even if their entire narrative collapses... they are going to shift immediately to "Climate Change" or some crisis du jour... No matter how earnest their mea culpa... they have to be deposed & washed away by a drowning Red Wave politically.

Bat Shit Lunatics yesterday... Cannot remain as the leaders today.

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You are exactly right. I gave 10 live presentations last fall on all of the covid nonsense, corruption and stupidity (there were all three) as I have been there since the beginning, correcting the "experts" on just about every major call.. When I return in the spring, I'll be ready with a few on Climate Change hysteria.

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