Reid, The shorter title is better. One man's opinion. And I am thankful that you do this.

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I agree. I do think I'm going to go with the shorter one.

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The cardinal medical rule of do no harm was abandon for the pandemic. What is worse is the doctors don't even recognize their failure to their patients.

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True, Henry. They still think they were right.

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Heros and Villains works great, the play on, not so much. Thank you for the great public service - you're a hero.

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Thank you. You're welcome.

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This experience was so painful to read that I could not continue. This is the short version of what has destroyed medicine: a completely superfluous layer of business grifters.

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Shorter title, more appealing to all readers. In a kakistocracy, the poo rises to the top, and those motivated by “money, power, and fame” have got all three and have made it perfectly plain that they don’t care a fig for us, no matter their ideology. The people are the only antidote to a global scourge of murderous plundering technocrats.

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Yes, the shorter title may be better.

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Nov 24, 2023
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Thanks, Meg.

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