My video of early 2021, where I proved we reached herd immunity without a single person being vaccinate, got taken down in an hour by YouTube so no one saw this relevation I made then. In December of 2020, Drs. Fauci, Reiner, all the others said since 10% of the population had antibodies in broad serological studies, 90% of us were still vulnerable to the wild type (original) SARS-2 virus. I said, “NO!”, only about 10% of us were. All of the experts were forgetting about Band Tcell clonalexpansion and memory AND immunity-in-place, a term I coined for those who were protected before the virus arrived on our shores.
I was right. On January 11, 2021 we reached herd immunity for the wild type and the virus was gone just 10 months after it had arrived. No one noticed this and YouTube made sure no one saw my video proving it.
I tell you. I feel like The Old man and the Sea. I keep reasoning these things out well before anyone else and thanks to Youtube, no body recognises it. Then 2 years later, people start to understand it and I have to go around like an idiot saying, “ I figured that out 2 years ago.” I’m surprised I haven’t lost my sanity.
I’m going to revisit this with Jay on Saturday night from Florida. I am surprised I got so much resistance. I’ll have all my ducks in a row and a diagram to make my reasoning more clear. That will be my last chance to convince him on this and a few other counts. You’ll see it on Monday night.
In the mean time, I will continue to post these short -one topic only- videos. Please share them. Part 11 coming soon.
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