My Invitation to Speak Got Rescinded, But I Went Anyway (PART FOUR)
This post contains all of the video recorded at the conference. Did the leaders and organizers of this conference deliver what they promised? Please watch and come to your own conclusions.
Note: To watch every minute is asking too much. It’s all here but I will ask you to watch only the parts that are relevant to the topics at hand. Thus, rather than recommend you listen to a speaker with whom you would mostly agree, I recommend you listen to those you disagree with.
Here is the master link to the video recordings of all the panels from the conference and a screen shot of what that page looks like when you get there. Please click on the links shown when you get to this page:
The next section is for your reference. I will re-list the title of each panel and point out a few things to look for under each speech and/or critique the speech.
The main theme of this series of posts- the blatant censorship I experienced by being removed from the speakers list and being cut off mid-sentence during the one time I was called on during the entire conference.
It is also truly shocking to see, at this late date, how wrong some of the speakers and panelists continue to be about COVID-19. The incoming Dean of the School of Public Health, for example, demonstrates clearly that he still believes community masking works despite the literature (showing masks have not worked for influenza-like illnesses over meta analyses of randomized, controlled trials the last 73 years) which I pointed out in March of 2020, the science underlying mask effectiveness against a supposed 100 nm respiratory virus transmitted by aerosols which I pointed out in March of 2020, and the data which I pointed out as it became available that mask use did not change the shape of any graph of cases or deaths vs time for any country at any time. He also incorrectly quoted the chances of death if placed on a ventilator at 50%. It was actually 80% - 85%. He was wrong on several other topics of great importance I will not list here as you will hear them as you watch his speech.
Here, again, is the master link to the videos:
Please copy and paste this link into your browser and you will have access to all the videos.
These are cropped screenshots to what you will see when you arrive at the link:
The speech of incoming Dean of Public Health, Dr. Stan Vermund was loaded with woke propaganda. Seeing that his previous position was Dean of the Yale School of Public Health, this does not surprise me at all. Yale was wrong about virtually everything. Here is their timeline of events during Covid with a graph of cases vs time overlaid on the timeline.
First, take a look at the graph at the top showing how exaggerated the epidemiologists’ modeling was. The lowest-most line depicts the so-called “confirmed cases”. The epidemiologists and modelers were ~15 times too high in some places. But it’s really much worse than that. The confirmed cases were exaggerated by a factor of about 16. Thus, the modelers were off by a factor of 15 x 16 or 240 times. It was all designed to scare the public into accepting ill-conceived policies such as lockdowns for a disease that was no worse than the seasonal flu. In fact, I calculated and posted the correct IFR on March 8, 2020 , 1/40th of what the experts were telling you at the time, at .1 %, the same as the seasonal flu. As all of you know, the seasonal flu disappeared in 2020. The most likely explanation for this is that flu cases (along with many other respiratory diseases (and some that were not respiratory in nature) were simply recategorized as COVID-19 cases
The point is not to beat on Dr. Vermund and the other doctors I will criticize during this post. Nobody is perfect, beginning with yours truly. The point is that this conference was supposed to be a forum where controversies over what COVID-19 was and what was done to combat it could be discussed, debated, and resolved (if anyone could prove anything) in the Heterodox Academy way. Instead it was a woke-fest presented by faculty from USF’s Morsani College of Medicine complete with 1) removing me, a confirmed speaker, who could have proved that the government’s manufactured “official narrative” was filled with lies, and, 2) But after they rescinded my speaking offer, they promised to allow me to respond from the audience where they promised me “a seat in the front” to make it easier to call on me. Instead, they engaged in an absolute refusal to call on me and hear my differing point of view on virtually every point made and topic discussed. Note: I Did get called on once. But listen to what happened. They cut me off mid-sentence and when the recording came out, the part where I’m asking the moderator to please let me finish my proof my part of the discussion is garbled or removed completely at some point. I must have said something they didn’t like.
As regards this first video, I can refute everything Dr. Vermund says here but this conference would not allow free speech
The second video:
This is the one where I was allowed to speak. PLEASE listen from the beginning to the end. I want you to experience the waste of time allowed by the moderator’s lax attitude toward the panelists insistence on repeating meaningless comments. This will help you see their attitude difference against someone who knew the critical issues of the origin of the virus and presenting a PROOF; not some professor who can only come up with, “ We need to check everything but we’ll probably ever know.”. and note how many times the moderator allowed him to repeat it. Especially the professor with the French accent. He kept telling Alina Chan he agreed with her; then repeated something that would favor the Chinese government’s narrative which generally contradicted Alina’s.
Also, in their Description of this section, they wrote, “SARS-COV2, as with most and perhaps all other human pathogens, very likely derives from some animal source.”
No, it doesn’t,
This just reveals their bias in favor of the woke (“official”, manufactured) narrative. SARS- CoV-2 does not “very likely derive from some animal source”. Besides, the purpose of this conference is to resolve these issues. The Description should be neutral and describe the issue at hand; not to offer an opinion on which side is right. It just shows woke narrative bias. I’m sure it’s obvious why my speaking offer was rescinded, why they cut me off mid-sentence (because I was proving their woke narrative incorrect), why they didn’t call on me for the rest of the conference and why they garbled my words and erased the sound when we were discussing not allowing me to finish my proof. But it doesn’t explain why they didn’t tell me my offer was rescinded soon after the decision was made. I probably would have stayed overseas, gotten treated, and possibly solved my identity theft. But they waited for me to discover it when I opened the announcement. Why? At the very least they should have known that rescinding an invitation to speak offered four months ago would lead to all kinds of trouble from the Stop Censorship “movement” and cement their and their school’s reputation as woke and clearly OK with censorship. I asked one of my doctor friends, “Why would he do this (referring to the person I thought did it but I don’t know for sure so I won’t mention his name)? “He’s sacrificing his reputation in the eyes of anyone who hears about this, and besmirching the school’s reputation. It must mean a lot to him, on the order of a political ideology he holds dear, to be worth all that. He’s also dragging the Heterodox Academy’s name down. They’re going to sponsor this conference in some way. “ And that’s what happened. The Heterodox Academy helped put on a woke anti-free speech conference on a topic of great concern to a large fraction of the world population.
I finally get called on at 1:19::10. The garbled pard starts at 1:22::25 when he cuts me off mid-sentence.
Any one of these could be explained by bad manners, laziness, or both as in the case of not being notified the speaking engagement I flew half-way around the world for had been rescinded much earlier. But the moderators made personal choices not to call on me, certainly the most anti-woke narrative person in the auditorium and the one with the most knowledge at the ready to debate.
The final one I pointed out in the above, was when Professor Scacco gave the shout out to DEI which further confirmed the wokefest, anti-free speech nature of the conference. Since when should the appearance of speaking candidates play a role in whom gets selected. The comments I’m referring to begin at1:13::50 in Panel 4. Dr. Scacco is so woke it’s hard to listen to his take on everything but this is just the kind of person to whom you should listen. It may make you sigh in disgust because you disagree with him but it hones your ability to have a rigorous debate with someone. It helps you formulate a coherent argument against what he is saying. And if you can’t formulate a rock-solid argument, you have to examine your premises. Go back to first principles and find out who is right.
Why bother?
Because innocent people including children died. Because people’s immune systems appear to have been weakened by the vaccine. Because cancer incidence is up. Because the vaccine appeared in the human population under mysterious circumstances. I would be considered radical by these people so I make sure I can prove everything I say or write
Thank you for taking the time to read and watch the videos. People have to stay interested if justice is ever going to be served for the stochastic murders that occurred during Covid. They’re still occurring and it needs to stop. It continues to go on because of conferences like this one where speakers face no opposition for continuing to claim they were right. It also means they will make the same mistakes the next time the government tries to magnify the fear of a “pandemic” that was no more severe than the seasonal flu than the flu.
Part 5 will return to the Heterodox Academy’s pre-conference philosophy. Was it met as promised and other questions about what took place at that conference.
Dr. Shetfall my cynical opinion about the Dean and others "shocking ignorance" is pay package and professional advancement. One must not be a Premature Vaccine Skeptic let alone admit there is no isolated Covid virus. Living people can accept misguiding people and ignoring their death for money. No God after all, only Mammon. The Ford Pinto before Covid educated on Cost Benefit and the proper analysis was people are expendable. I am sure B schools across the world drill this into student minds.
Another point of view beyond the obvious issue of .1 micron viruses or whatever it is being contained by a N95 mask with .3 holes. You don't need to be a Doc to know masks don't work 99% of the time except in surgical environments where you don't want someone drooling into your open wound. I'm a safety engineer familiar with and trained on OSHAs respiratory protection program. Many mask mandating (woke) companies are in violation of CFR 1910.134 whereby it states that if mask use results in less than 19.5% O2 in breathing zone it is a violation. Tests show that O2 levels inside masks REQUIRED by employers is a violation subject to fines and for repeated violations these are willful and can exceed 200k per violation. From OSHA: Oxygen deficient atmosphere means an atmosphere with an oxygen content below 19.5% by volume. If you get less than 19.5 OSHA considers this to be an IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) exposure.
Is your Covid Mask reducing oxygen to hazardous level: