An update is in order for the beginning of this video. They have, recently, tested putting the omicron spike protein sequence into the vaccine.
Guess what happened?
The majority of antibodies produced by patients were for the ORIGINAL spike protein. This is due to the phenomenon called Original Antigenic Sin (OAS).
I’ll make a seperate post soon to explain what this is.
The bottom line is, Because of the OAS poisoning, it doesn’t matter if we switch out the code for the spikes of new variants, we’re going to make antibodies for the old spikes.
Let me just explain the problem of OAS now instead of making you wait for another post.
So you make antibodies for the old spike instead of the new one. Why is that bad? It’s bad because those “old” antibodies are not going to be neutralizing antibodies. They are merely going to act like handles for the phagocytic cells to grab on to with their Fc receptors and get pulled into striking distance of the phagocytic machinery of the cell. But since the antibodies didn’t neutralize the viruses so phagocitized, those viruses just hijack the replication machinery and make more copies of themselves This results in Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and is a very bad thing. NOTE: I explained all of this with easy-to-understand diagrams in my video “Don’t Get The Vaccine Until You See This, Part 2”.more than a year ago when I was warning everyone about the dangers of the vaccine. Pleasse go back and watch it here:
The ADE explanation starts at 7 minutes in but I recommend you watch it all. Youtube has taken down Part 3 of this series where I was talking about the risk of clotting and they will probably take this one down as more is learned about OAS since the two go together. It’s heartbreaking that YouTube is taking down my videos where I warned people about all of this happening way back before and as the vaccines were coming out, just as my predictions are all coming true now. These people have been so evil and I’m going to list them by name in my book coming out soon (in a matter of weeks).
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